Changing Irq by using QNX setting?

This is a BIOS issue.


The post you answered is just a spam post :slight_smile:

Rose78 and another recent poster here all have the same links at the bottom of their posts. The auto-bot seems to be clever enough that it parses posts looking for certain buzz words/phrases in the topic and then posts ‘canned’ questions/answers making it look like they are real people asking questions or providing answers.


Thanks !!!

That’s very clever, to what end? Just to advertise?


As far as I can tell that’s the only reason. I clicked on one of the sites just to see what it was (from a QNX machine just in case) and it’s just an advertizing site.

The person at the end of this thread:

is also a bot doing the same kind of advertizing using the same format. The two sites are probably related.
