Qnx on iBook G4 - is it real or not?

Hi everyone. I’ve got an iBook G4 (PowerPC 800Mhz, 256Mb Ram, Ati radeon 9550 32Mb int).
I want install QNX 6.4.X on it. I found BSP package for PPC processors (my CPU supported too). But when i entered key for this package - nothing happens, installer says that i must enter new key. I think, in this package lies IPL and stratup program, from which i could make IFS and startup image for my mac. Anyone had such problem like this? Or where i can download need parts (IPL,startup) for PPC without entering not working keys?

Don’t know but not that thereis more to BSP package support then the model of PPC. Getting QNX to boot on an iBook requires skills and knowledge about the hardware. In the PC world it’s even harder to do with laptop.

About your question sorry don’t know the answer and not enough detail.