SunCanary Repository

Hi all!!

I post this text for del a doub that there’re in some heads. When our repository is up, it’ll have got apps recopilated by the group, apps that we had find in Internet. So we wont upload anything app port by our hands, these apps’ll are upload in other occasion.

Some doub?

Since you have quite some typos in your text, I thought your recopilated meant recompiled. Didn’t realize you actually meant “gathered/collected”. Thanks for your clarification in the IRC channel.

[size=75]Hello to all

Like all know my group is going to publish repository of 1207 apps, this will be made when we finish to managements with a company of Brazilian origin that wish to maintain in their server ours repository and our Web.

Last there have been different problems from no comprehension. I admit that I have not expressed myself correctly in English, and this must is my maternal language, the Spanish. All those that have studied Spanish or know Spanish as maternal language will know that our language is of most complicated to learn due to our form to speak and that a same word has several meaning, between those words is TO RECOMPILE that in my language has two meaning. The main meaning is the one TO REUNITE or TO GATHER, and like secondary meaning it is the computer science meaning, the one that those of Anglo-Saxon speech know.

I, like canary that I am, I am very respectful with all the people, and we own a Spanish something more evolved than in the peninsula, approaching us to the Spanish who is spoken in Hispano-America. By this subject and our form to be and to treat all the people, one is us better than to the peninsulars in almost all the countries Latin America, Venezuela, Cuba, Mexico, etc…

Between many of the qualities that differentiate to us is our capacity to ask, we asked for all that in where we have doubts. This I say it because, since can have read the previous text, I contradict myself in my words. Diverse people have asked to me before this contradiction and I have solved them the doubt, without problem nor climb some.

NOC, because you have not asked the doubt to me as the other people and however you have accused since you have done in the channel and above putting third people to me. I said to him to phearbear that I do not want to have problems with anybody of the channel nor of surroundings QNX, and that seems to me that it includes you to you. I do not think in English, I think in Spanish, i translate which I think the English, and there is my error which I am trying to solve because to speak in English as your and almost all those of the channel I must think in English, and that costs to him more to a person in my situation, that to a Anglo-Saxon which it wants to learn Spanish, because English language is a language simpler than the Spanish, without I animate to offend.

Phearbear said to me that if I do not want to have problems with anybody of the channel, that did not speak in Spanish. I of answered that I’m in agreement, although I bothered a little because since I am in the channel I have seen people speak in another language that is not English, but respect its decision and therefore I will try to fulfill it, although to my it does not bother me that they speak in another language that is not English, because respect that is their language and is better understood in their language than in English, but if I request that when speaks me to my they do it in English or in Spanish; this has not been necessary because by logic a person speaks trying who the listener understands to him. But I emphasize that I have spoken in Spanish only 3 times and with people of Hispanic speech, because therefore we are understood better.

In order to avoid badly understood, I have decided that all my messages in the forums will both send them in languages, because it always turns out peculiar to learn something of another language but without imposing it. By this I will write it in Spanish and in English, for thus all the people understand to me at least perfectly of Spanish speech who visit this Web, that is not few.

A greeting

Hola a todos

Como todos saben mi grupo va a publicar un repository de 1207 apps, esto se realizará cuando acabemos una gestiones con una empresa de origen brasileño que desea mantener en sus servers nuestro repository y nuestra web.

Ultimamente han habido diferentes problemas de malentendido. Reconosco que no me he expresado correctamente en inglés, y esto es debido ha mi lengua materna, el español. Todos los que hayan estudiado español o sepan español como lengua materna sabrán que nuestro idioma es de los más complicados de aprender debido a nuestra forma de hablar y que una misma palabra posee varios significados, entre esas palabras se encuentra RECOPILAR que en mi idioma posee dos significados. El principal significado es el de REUNIR o RECOGER, y como significado secundario es el significado informático, el que los de habla anglosajona conocen.

Yo, como canario que soy, soy muy respetuoso con todas las personas, y poseemeos un español algo más evolucionado que en la peninsula, acercandonos al español que se habla en hispano-américa. Por este asúnto y por nuestra forma de ser y de tratar a todas las personas, se nos trata mejor que a los españoles peninsulares en casi todos los países de la américa latina, Venezuela, Cuba, Mexico, etc…

Entre muchas de las cualidades que nos diferencian es nuestra capacidad de preguntar, preguntamos por todo aquello en donde tengamos dudas. Esto lo digo porque, como podrán haber leido el anterior texto, me contradigo en mis palabras. Diversas personas me han preguntado ante esta contradicción y les he resuelto la duda, sin problema ni cabreo alguno.

NOC, porque no me has preguntado la duda como las demás personas y en cambio me has acusado como has hecho en el canal y encima metiendo a terceras personas. Yo le dije a phearbear que no quiero tener problemas con nadie del canal ni del entorno QNX, y eso me parece que te incluye a ti. Yo no pienso en inglés, yo pienso en español, lo que pienso lo tradusco al inglés, y ahí está mi error el cual estoy tratando de solucionar porque para hablar en inglés como tu y casi todos los del canal debo de pensar en inglés, y eso le cuesta más a una persona en mi situación, que a un anglosajón que quiera aprender español, porque el ingles es un lenguaje más sencillo que el español, sin animo de ofender.

Phearbear me dijo que si no quiero tener problemas con nadie del canal, que no hablara en español. Yo de contesté que de acuerdo, aunque me molesté un poco porque desde que estoy en el canal he visto a personas hablar en otro idioma que no es inglés, pero respeto su decisión y por tanto trataré de cumplirla, aunque a mi no me molesta que hablen en otro idioma que no sea inglés, porque respeto que es su idioma y se entienden mejor en su idioma que en inglés, pero si pido que cuando me hablen a mi lo hagan en inglés o en español; esto no ha sido necesario porque por lógica una persona habla procurando que el oyente le entienda. Pero enfatizo que yo he hablado en español solamente 3 veces y con personas de habla hispana, porque así nos entendemos mejor.

Para evitar mal entendidos, he decidido que todos mis mensajes en los foros los mandare en los dos idiomas, porque siempre resulta curioso aprender algo de otro idioma pero sin imponerlo. Por esto lo escribiré en español y en inglés, para así al menos me entiendan perfectamente todas las personas de habla española que visitan esta web, que no son pocas.

Un saludo.[/size]

I don’t feel as if gathering existing software packages and placing them in a central repository will benefit any QNX user in any meaningful way. You group could do better repackaging pre-localized software.

If you do insist on creating a centralized place for software downloads do so with care; make links to the authors\mantainers website(s)\repositorie(s), don’t host files locally and then abandon them, Don’t do anything someone could get angry about later, and if you do give up don’t abandon it, destroy it.