include problems

Hey guys,

I am able to get my GUI made in PhAB, but when I try to do make, it is telling me that it is
“Unable to open ‘photon/contrib/PtMeter.h’”
Along with 9 others, which I found are all of the includes for PtContribs.h and PtRealTime.h. I was wondeing if anyone knows how to fix this or if I am just missing these files somehow. I did a find command on PtMeter.h and can’t seem to find it anywhere. Could this possibly be an environment issue? Thanks.

The New Guy

I think the directory name /contrib/ should alert you to the problem. It looks like something is missing.

Yeah we were finally able to conclude that the entire contrib folder (and realtime) were missing completely. The weird thing is that they had compiled modules before on the same computer and the modules work fine. Thanks for your help maschoen, I was finally able to play around with it a bit today and it’s a pretty sweet setup. I’ll let you know if there are anymore problems, but I don’t foresee any in the near future.