ARMv7 eabi error

Dear all,

I came across with the following error when executing my app on the armv7 cortex A8(omap3530) target:

unknown symbol: __aeabi_atexit
unknown symbol: __gxx_personality_v0
unknown symbol: __cxa_end_cleanup
unknown symbol: __aeabi_atexit
unknown symbol: __aeabi_d2ulz
unknown symbol: __gxx_personality_v0
unknown symbol: __cxa_end_cleanup

Seems the eabi functionality is not well configured on my target?


My first reaction was there might be a missing .so file. But then you would probably have a message about that.

I’ve see something like this happen on an x86 when you compile for one version of QNX but run on another. The .so file is there, but it’s and older one without the needed functionality.

Just a thought.

You are right, there was a ldd error which i missed in my previous post.

I am now using omap3530 which is armv7 based. And i would like to compile with the option “-march=armv7”, but came
across with the following error:
“error: target CPU does not support ARM mode”. But i have specified the build variant as armv7 under IDE4.7.0. And I believe this is where the error originates since the compile output"usr/lib/gcc/arm-unknown-nto-qnx6.5.0eabi/4.4.2/cc1plus caught signal 1". Please suggest.


I think only specifying the build variant as armv7 is enough, as the error just confirms that the eabi utility is compile for the application while the target board does not support this feature.

And another problem is in QNX system information perspective, the “CPUDetails” is ARMle@600MHz, instead of ARMv7le@600MHz, i believe this cause the problem as ARMv7le binaries are not executable on ARMle processors based on the QNX documents. Further, the procnto-v6-instr process is displayed, which means the target should be ARMv7-le-cortex processor also stated from QNX docs. The two phenomenon seem inconsistent. Any clues?
