Backup Qnx 2.2 to CF Card

I want to asked about backups qnx2.2 into the CF Card that accessed via the parallel port. Question then becomes, maybe, or not to do it? What steps should be done.

Thanks for your help and sorry about my english, still learning… :slight_smile:

CF cards have the same interface as an IDE drive. With an adapter you can plug them in, and use them with one of the IDE drivers. I have a 20 year old phone answering machine I built running QNX 2 on a 386 computer. A few years ago I changed it to run on a CF card to remove the hard drive, the only moving part other than the fan.

I worked a lot with parallel port devices on QNX 2, mainly the Iomega Zip drives. Typically a parallel port hard drive has another interface behind it, usually SCSI. I don’t know of any such device that you can hook up an IDE or CF card to. If there is one, it’s doubtful that QNX 2 has a driver.

If you want to backup a QNX 2 system, here are some methods.

  1. floppy diskettes, very small capacity.
  2. supported tape drives, probably hard to find a working one anymore, not very reliable.
  3. put in a 2nd hard drive and either sector copy the drive, or do a file to file. It’s tricky to get a bootable drive using the 2nd method. Getting supported hard drives might be a problem. I’m not sure if the old driver will work with a 500Gig drive.
  4. backup files over a serial port. QNX to QNX you can use qtalk and qcp. QNX to Windows or Unix/Linux you can use x. Even with a very fast serial connection, this is very slow, and there’s no way to create a bootable backup.
  5. Iomega Zip drives. I sell drivers for either parallel port or the AHA1520 series of Adaptec controllers. If you have an AHA1540/42 it’s possible (but tricky) to use QNX’s driver. The Zip drives and disks are no longer made although I’m sure there are plenty still available on eBay.
  6. If you have two QNX systems with QNET cards, you can backup across it. If one of them crashes, it’s possible to boot a system without a QNX hard drive over the network and initialize it. Very cool.