help with Xfree

Well, sorry for ask stupid questions, but I am new on QNX …

I do not what to do to configure and start Xfree86, I have downloaded the file xf86-4301-qnx6-bin.tar.gz and also I have untared the file with #tar -xzvf xf86-4301-qnx6-bin.tar.gz, but I do not what else I have to do, and I want to run X applications like eclipse, gaim …

For example if I try to install gaim, the installer tells me that some dependencies could not be resolve …

I apreciate your help …

Are you running Photon? If so, you probably don’t need to configure/run XFree86, though you need it to be installed. You can just start 'XPhoton" and then run X based applications.

btw, I thought eclipse is a photon application. as for gaim, you can probably just ignore the dependency check…

I red in a site that I have to copy the files from /usr/X11R6 to /etc/X11, is that correct?

How can I start XPhoton? is XPhoton already installed?

So you are saying that XFree is already installed?

if you installed QNX, you get Photon and XPhoton already working. You just need to download Xfree86 from the QNX repository and it just works rootless within photon.