I am having problems plotting using a Polygon widget. It displays an extra line (randomly) after the last point. Otherwise it works great.
It also fails to display circles (PtEllipses) on each data point for the plot. It only display the fist one
Here is my code
int plotData(PtWidget_t *widget, double * data, int n){
/* Local Variables */
int pixx,pixy;
float count=(float) n;
int padding=400 ; // Pixels away from edge
double max=0; // Initialization of max and min
double min=0;
int i; // Counter I guess
PtWidget_t *plot; // Polygon widget (We use the fact it does not need to be closed)
PhPoint_t points[n]; // Struct with n short values for plotting
PhPoint_t R_origin;
PtWidget_t * ppplot; // Widget Pointer -> PlotPane
PtArg_t argt[5]; // Arguement array for polygon
PhDim_t EllipseSize = { 20,20};
// Get PlotPane size and add padding (90%)
ppplot=ApGetWidgetPtr(widget, ABN_PlotPane);
// PtGetResource( ppplot, Pt_ARG_HEIGHT , &tmp, 0 );
pixx=380; // atof(tmp) *padding;
// PtGetResource( ppplot, Pt_ARG_WIDTH , &tmp, 0 );
pixy=360; //atoi(tmp) *padding;
// Find max and min
for (i=0; i<n;i++){
sprintf(tmp, "%d; %#.1f\n", i, data[i]);
strcat(msg, tmp); // Append raw to mesage string
PtSetArg(&argt[0], Pt_ARG_DIM, &EllipseSize, n ) ;
PtSetArg(&argt[2], Pt_ARG_COLOR, Pg_MAGENTA, n ) ;
// Translate coordinates
for ( i=1; i<=n ; i++){
points[i].x=(i / count)*pixx; // This should transform the data
PtSetArg(&argt[1], Pt_ARG_POS, &points[i], 1 ) ;
plot =PtCreateWidget( PtEllipse, ppplot ,1, argt ) ; // Doesnt work !!!!!
PtRealizeWidget (plot);
// Display the messages and draw the polygon
ApGetWidgetPtr( widget, ABN_txtList ),
Pt_ARG_TEXT_STRING, msg , 0 );
R_origin.x=padding; // Not Working ?
PtSetArg(&argt[0], Pt_ARG_POINTS, points, n-1 ) ;
PtSetArg(&argt[1], Pt_ARG_ORIGIN, &R_origin, 0 ) ;
plot = PtCreateWidget( PtPolygon, ppplot ,1, argt ) ;
PtRealizeWidget (plot);
return( Pt_CONTINUE );