When I load a program in to ddd, I get the following errors:

Error while mapping shared library sections:
libxml_magic_parse_g.so.1.1: No such file or directory
Error while mapping shared library sections:
libDataServer_API.so.5.0: No such file or directory
Error while reading shared library symbols:
libxml_magic_parse_g.so.1.1: No such file or directory
Error while reading shared library symbols:
libDataServer_API.so.5.0: No such file or directory

My program also loads other shared libs for whose I don’t get the same

The program works fine. I just cannot understand why these questions about
libDataServer_API.so.5.0 which is not compiled in debug mode and why I
cannot access to the libxml_magic_parse_g.so source files.


You only get the errors for this specific program, right? this means it is not a DDD problem :slight_smile:

Do a “objdump -x your_program | grep NEEDED” to make sure your program does need those shared libs.

BTW, where are those libs located? Maybe you need LD_LIBRARY_PATH