Boot image

Hello, all!

I want to make bootable CD-ROM with QNX4, but don’t make it because size of image file (.boot) exceed 512K. File .boot includes boot, Proc32, Slib32, Fsys, Fsus.eide, Iso9660fsys, sysinit. How I can solve this problem? Help me!

i don’t think it is absolutely necessary to include Fsys.eide or Iso966fsys in .boot, you can always start those later on - in sysinit for example. My own buildfile looks like follws and eats up 495k :

$ boot -v

$ Proc32 -l $k -n 300 -p 2000 -t 300

$ Slib32

$ Slib16

$ Fsys -d2 $f

$ $d $p

$ mount -p $h $h$t /

$ sinit TERM=qnx

regards HELGE

please excuse me but i just had a closer look at the ‘dollars’ and yes, Fsys.eide is included in my .boot. the size is 495k still.

/bin/buildqnx -v k=2 “f=-c 16M” d=Fsys.eide p= h=/dev/hd0 t=t77 build/BUILDFILE (as above) images/BOOTFILE

regards HELGE

kvn, Image can be bigger then 512k (unless it’s a CD-ROM think). Depending on bios it can be just under 600K sometimes even more. You says boot image includes sysinit ?? That’s impossible you cannot do that. Can you post your boot file.

WhiteRabbits; if Fsys.eide is NOT in the .boot file how can you access the sysinit in the first place?

Mario, I want to make bootable CD-ROM for installation QNX4 OS on the machine without floppy drive. And I want to mount filesystem root directly to CD-ROM. Sorry, my .boot file includes sinit utility (not sysinit :slight_smile:. If size of my .boot file exceed 512K, boot process starting, but not finishing.
Can I solve this problem?

P.S. Sorry for my bad English.

Post your build file. I’ve seen people succeeded in doing that. Here is example build file:

$ boot -v 

$ Proc32 -p 100 -D 

$ Slib32 

$ Slib16 

$ Fsys -l 0 -c 100 -r 1024 

$ Fsys.floppy -m 18 

$ Fsys.eide -v 

$ Iso9660fsys /=/dev/cd0 

$ sinit -s /bin/sh -i /etc/config/sysinit TERM=qnx

create the boot image, copy it onto floppy, dd the floppy image and create the CDROM iso with the floppy image …

With such build file my .boot file exceeds 512K and booting process was not finished.

I think I solve my problem.

$ boot -v

$ Proc32 -l 1

$ Slib32

$ Fsys

$ Fsys.eide

$ Iso9660fsys /=/dev/cd0

$ sinit TERM=qnx

set -i
/boot/sys/Slib16 &
export TZ=ort-5odt-6,M3.5.0/2,M10.5.0/3
rtc hw
Dev -n 40 &
Dev.ansi -Q -n8 &
reopen /dev/con1
nameloc -s$NODE -e$NODE -p10 &
tinit -c “login root” -T /dev/con[2-8] -c “login root” -t /dev/con1 &

Now I booting from CD-ROM and mounting filesystem root directly to CD-ROM. And all works!

Thank for assistance!