Changing keyboard layout


How can I change the keyboard layout (from english to spanish) in an embedded system with QNX 6.1 in which Photon is not included?

Thank you

You can only do it in QNX4 :slight_smile:
Unfortunately, you will have to use Photon in QNX6: the phlocale utility - the menu option is Localization.
QSS has planned to provide the “mkkbd” utility to solve your problem but I haven’t seen it yet. Maybe those early 6.2.1 beta testers can comment on whether it is in there.

A patch to character DDK, which chages the console keyboard mapping from US-101 to Japanese-106, was reposted by kabe to qdn.public.qnxrtp.x86 at 2002/12/23. It might be helpful for you.

BTW: I have not tried it yet. :wink:

PS: here is the direct link to kabe’s post: