How can I change the keyboard layout (from english to spanish) in an embedded system with QNX 6.1 in which Photon is not included?
Thank you
How can I change the keyboard layout (from english to spanish) in an embedded system with QNX 6.1 in which Photon is not included?
Thank you
You can only do it in QNX4
Unfortunately, you will have to use Photon in QNX6: the phlocale utility - the menu option is Localization.
QSS has planned to provide the “mkkbd” utility to solve your problem but I haven’t seen it yet. Maybe those early 6.2.1 beta testers can comment on whether it is in there.
A patch to character DDK, which chages the console keyboard mapping from US-101 to Japanese-106, was reposted by kabe to qdn.public.qnxrtp.x86 at 2002/12/23. It might be helpful for you.
BTW: I have not tried it yet.
PS: here is the direct link to kabe’s post: