
1.用PASSWD aa设置用户名和密码

/etc/inetd.conf --里面要允许ftp服务
/etc/ftpusers --禁止了某些用户登录ftp
/etc/services --设置ftp监听哪个端口
/usr/sbin/ftpd --在inetd.conf要设定好这个文件的路径,此文件应有x属性

按照你的方法设置了,在其它启动FTP访问目标机时报错连接不上,提示是“421 service not avaliable,remote server has closed connecttion”,ping可以通,另外如果在目标机上访问其他的FTP站点也可以访问,请帮助分析一下好吗


里面有“User authorization”一段,讲了你还要设定什么。估计你缺了/etc/shells。

  1. The username must be in the password database /etc/passwd and must not have a null password. The client must provide a password before any file operations may be performed.

  2. The username must not appear in the file /etc/ftpusers, which contains a list of users who aren’t allowed to use ftp. One username is listed per line. If this file is missing, anyone on the local system may access ftp.

  3. The user must have a standard shell (i.e. one listed in /etc/shells).

  4. If the username is anonymous or ftp, an anonymous ftp account must be present in the password file (user ftp). In this case, the user can log
    in by giving any password (by convention, users give the name of the
    client host).

我已经加了以上所说的所有文件,可是login时老是登录不上去,报的错误是“530 login incorrect”,难道server端找不到我登录的用户,可是在其/etc/passwd中明明有呀,怎么办呀?急。。。

好象就是password检查出错,你可以telnet 进去吗?