What's the problem here?

Should I just eliminate the whole section:

Wait for the mouse driver to startup

typeset -i i=0
while test $i -lt 15; do
phin -TK -q
if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then break; fi
echo “# Waiting for the Input driver to startup…”
sleep 1
let i=i+1

My mouse seems to be working fine, so what’s the problem, do ya know?

Well, probably by the time when you start to use the mouse, the Input driver is already up. I still think it is a good idea to “sleep” and wait for the driver to be up before continuing in the photon startup, rather than relying on your luck. If you don’t like the message, just put a # before the echo line and leave the rest unchanged.

So, would I just put a “sleep 5” or something after that mouse driver section?

just put a # before echo, that’s it. don’t change anything else.

there is no need for a sleep 5. if you read the code, you will see it sleeps 1 second, then to checks if the Input is ready, if not, it sleeps another second and checks, and on …