Has someone registered the QNX course(s)?


Has someone registered the QNX course(s)? I’d like to attend some
some, it do work? If you have studied the course, maybe you can give
me some advice, Thanks you in advance.

-Eric Zhou

“Eric Zhou” <2Eric@21cn.com> writes:

Has someone registered the QNX course(s)? I’d like to attend some
some, it do work? If you have studied the course, maybe you can give
me some advice, Thanks you in advance.

I took the Neutrino course back in the Nuetrino 1.0 days, and it was
well worth the time. I had a good understanding of QNX4 at the time,
but the courses saved me a lot of time when looking at the differences
between QNX4 and Neutrino. The docs for Neutrino have gotten better
since then, but if you want to accelerate your learning curve, the
course could be useful.


Andrew Thomas, President, Cogent Real-Time Systems Inc.
2430 Meadowpine Boulevard, Suite 105, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5N 6S2
Email: andrew@cogent.ca WWW: http://www.cogent.ca

Thank you Andrew.

I have developed some projects in QNX 4 last two years. Now I want
to write a I/O resource manager for a Voice Card, that’s not in my
skill, hence, I’d like to take a training of writing resmgr.

But, now QSSL only supply a course “Writing Drivers for QNX Neutrino”,
because I have little experience in Neutrino, I just suspect if I can
write a I/O resource manager in QNX 4 by the end of course.

Andrew, you’re seasoned in QNX Neutrino app, do you have some advice
about my case? Please tell me, TIA.



Andrew Thomas <andrew@cogent.ca> wrote in message

“Eric Zhou” <> 2Eric@21cn.com> > writes:

Has someone registered the QNX course(s)? I’d like to attend some
some, it do work? If you have studied the course, maybe you can give
me some advice, Thanks you in advance.

I took the Neutrino course back in the Nuetrino 1.0 days, and it was
well worth the time. I had a good understanding of QNX4 at the time,
but the courses saved me a lot of time when looking at the differences
between QNX4 and Neutrino. The docs for Neutrino have gotten better
since then, but if you want to accelerate your learning curve, the
course could be useful.


Andrew Thomas, President, Cogent Real-Time Systems Inc.
2430 Meadowpine Boulevard, Suite 105, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5N 6S2
Email: > andrew@cogent.ca > WWW: > http://www.cogent.ca

“Eric Zhou” <2Eric@21cn.com> wrote in message

Thank you Andrew.

I have developed some projects in QNX 4 last two years. Now I want
to write a I/O resource manager for a Voice Card, that’s not in my
skill, hence, I’d like to take a training of writing resmgr.

But, now QSSL only supply a course “Writing Drivers for QNX Neutrino”,
because I have little experience in Neutrino, I just suspect if I can
write a I/O resource manager in QNX 4 by the end of course.

You will get close, because you will get the general idea of an an I/O
resmgr is but that will not show you how to write a QNX4 resmgr.

There is only one way to learn QNX4 resmgr. You download the sample
from QUICS (iomanager3.tgz i’m told), you read it once, then you read
it twice, then you read it a third time. Then you start using it.
Then when you have a problem, you ask question in the newsgroup.
There is no other way, there is no course about QNX4 resmgr.

Andrew, you’re seasoned in QNX Neutrino app, do you have some advice
about my case? Please tell me, TIA.



Andrew Thomas <> andrew@cogent.ca> > wrote in message
news:> x77l9r5z1r.fsf@cogent.ca> …
“Eric Zhou” <> 2Eric@21cn.com> > writes:

Has someone registered the QNX course(s)? I’d like to attend some
some, it do work? If you have studied the course, maybe you can give
me some advice, Thanks you in advance.

I took the Neutrino course back in the Nuetrino 1.0 days, and it was
well worth the time. I had a good understanding of QNX4 at the time,
but the courses saved me a lot of time when looking at the differences
between QNX4 and Neutrino. The docs for Neutrino have gotten better
since then, but if you want to accelerate your learning curve, the
course could be useful.


Andrew Thomas, President, Cogent Real-Time Systems Inc.
2430 Meadowpine Boulevard, Suite 105, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5N
Email: > andrew@cogent.ca > WWW: > http://www.cogent.ca

Thank you Mario.

Mario Charest <mcharest@zinformatic.com> wrote in message

“Eric Zhou” <> 2Eric@21cn.com> > wrote in message
news:8mqda3$69o$> 3@inn.qnx.com> …
Thank you Andrew.

I have developed some projects in QNX 4 last two years. Now I want
to write a I/O resource manager for a Voice Card, that’s not in my
skill, hence, I’d like to take a training of writing resmgr.

But, now QSSL only supply a course “Writing Drivers for QNX Neutrino”,
because I have little experience in Neutrino, I just suspect if I can
write a I/O resource manager in QNX 4 by the end of course.

You will get close, because you will get the general idea of an an I/O
resmgr is but that will not show you how to write a QNX4 resmgr.

There is only one way to learn QNX4 resmgr. You download the sample
from QUICS (iomanager3.tgz i’m told), you read it once, then you read
it twice, then you read it a third time. Then you start using it.
Then when you have a problem, you ask question in the newsgroup.
There is no other way, there is no course about QNX4 resmgr.

Andrew, you’re seasoned in QNX Neutrino app, do you have some advice
about my case? Please tell me, TIA.



Andrew Thomas <> andrew@cogent.ca> > wrote in message
news:> x77l9r5z1r.fsf@cogent.ca> …
“Eric Zhou” <> 2Eric@21cn.com> > writes:

Has someone registered the QNX course(s)? I’d like to attend some
some, it do work? If you have studied the course, maybe you can give
me some advice, Thanks you in advance.

I took the Neutrino course back in the Nuetrino 1.0 days, and it was
well worth the time. I had a good understanding of QNX4 at the time,
but the courses saved me a lot of time when looking at the differences
between QNX4 and Neutrino. The docs for Neutrino have gotten better
since then, but if you want to accelerate your learning curve, the
course could be useful.


Andrew Thomas, President, Cogent Real-Time Systems Inc.
2430 Meadowpine Boulevard, Suite 105, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5N
Email: > andrew@cogent.ca > WWW: > http://www.cogent.ca

Mario Charest <mcharest@zinformatic.com> wrote:

“Eric Zhou” <> 2Eric@21cn.com> > wrote in message
news:8mqda3$69o$> 3@inn.qnx.com> …
Thank you Andrew.

I have developed some projects in QNX 4 last two years. Now I want
to write a I/O resource manager for a Voice Card, that’s not in my
skill, hence, I’d like to take a training of writing resmgr.

But, now QSSL only supply a course “Writing Drivers for QNX Neutrino”,
because I have little experience in Neutrino, I just suspect if I can
write a I/O resource manager in QNX 4 by the end of course.

You will get close, because you will get the general idea of an an I/O
resmgr is but that will not show you how to write a QNX4 resmgr.

There is only one way to learn QNX4 resmgr. You download the sample
from QUICS (iomanager3.tgz i’m told), you read it once, then you read
it twice, then you read it a third time. Then you start using it.
Then when you have a problem, you ask question in the newsgroup.
There is no other way, there is no course about QNX4 resmgr.

There is no course explicitly on the QNX4 I/O manager, but the
Realtime Programming under QNX 4 does spend about 1 day on that
particular topic (using the framework in the iomanager3.tgz archive
from quics). Also, I think Rob Krten’s Getting Started with QNX 4
book also talks about writing I/O managers. (Though I haven’t read it,
so I don’t know for sure. His Neutrino book definitely does.)

Still, playing with the code and the examples in the archive is also
a reasonable way to go about learning it as well. Depends on how you
tend to learn best.


Thank you David.

Ok, now I can make a decision that I’ll try to write an I/O
resource manager by reading the smaples and the book.
Well, if I meet some questions in writing I/O manager, I’ll
post it here. TIA

And then I’d like to take the “Realtime Programming under
Neutrino” course for much more knowledge.

Thank you all for your posts.



David Gibbs <dagibbs@qnx.com> wrote in message

Mario Charest <> mcharest@zinformatic.com> > wrote:

“Eric Zhou” <> 2Eric@21cn.com> > wrote in message
news:8mqda3$69o$> 3@inn.qnx.com> …
Thank you Andrew.

I have developed some projects in QNX 4 last two years. Now I want
to write a I/O resource manager for a Voice Card, that’s not in my
skill, hence, I’d like to take a training of writing resmgr.

But, now QSSL only supply a course “Writing Drivers for QNX Neutrino”,
because I have little experience in Neutrino, I just suspect if I can
write a I/O resource manager in QNX 4 by the end of course.

You will get close, because you will get the general idea of an an I/O
resmgr is but that will not show you how to write a QNX4 resmgr.

There is only one way to learn QNX4 resmgr. You download the sample
from QUICS (iomanager3.tgz i’m told), you read it once, then you read
it twice, then you read it a third time. Then you start using it.
Then when you have a problem, you ask question in the newsgroup.
There is no other way, there is no course about QNX4 resmgr.

There is no course explicitly on the QNX4 I/O manager, but the
Realtime Programming under QNX 4 does spend about 1 day on that
particular topic (using the framework in the iomanager3.tgz archive
from quics). Also, I think Rob Krten’s Getting Started with QNX 4
book also talks about writing I/O managers. (Though I haven’t read it,
so I don’t know for sure. His Neutrino book definitely does.)

Still, playing with the code and the examples in the archive is also
a reasonable way to go about learning it as well. Depends on how you
tend to learn best.
