Well, I got aha8 to work on one of our systems, but now I moved it to our
machine, and I get trouble.
The SCSI adapter is a Adaptec 2940. AIC-7870 chip.
The machine is a Compaq Proliant 8500 server (yes, I know - not many people
need to run QNX Neutrino on such a server, but I do).
The Compaq is a 8-way SMP machine but only 1 CPU is installed.
The first problem is when the AIC-7870 is inserted in the secondary bus,
running devb-aha8 results in ‘No aha8 interfaces found’. This is probably
becuase of special access methods for the Host/PCI bridge on such a system.
However, the devn-speedo utility has no problem accessing a i82557 network
adapter on the other busses. This is a wee bit strange.
The second problem is when I start devb-aha8. Here’s the commandline I use:
devb-aha8 cam verbose blk automount=hd0t6:/dos0 &
This fires up 3 threads, one of which is constantly working. But no devices
are created and it generally doesn’t work. Also, to kill the threads I
must use kill -9, because nohting else works.
When I add ‘aha8 pci=0’ on the command line, I immediately get
‘Error Initializing XPT’. Same with any X for pci=X.
Any ideas?
Igor Kovalenko wrote:
Adaptec has nasty habit on sticking “2940” label on anything they want.
Depending on chip being used, it might or might not be supported. Plus,
2940 is supported by aha8, not aha7 driver.
Amit Margalit wrote:
I have been trying to get a Adaptec SCSI card to work. I have a x86
that boots fine from floppy, and the devb-aha7 utility for Neutrino 2.0 says
it supports ‘Adaptec 2940’ cards. But when I plug my 2940 and run devb-aha7,
it says it sees no aha7 cards.
Any ideas?
I’d appreciate direct emails to:
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depth was revealed to me – the Byss and the Abyss. I saw – as one might
see the transit of Venus or even the Lord Mayor’s Show – a quantity passing
through infinity and changing its sign from plus to minus. I saw exactly
why it happened and why tergiversation was inevitable – but it was after
dinner and I let it go.
– Winston Churchill
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