missing operating system ???

working on a qnx2 based laser cutting machine
in germany.
when the system starts I get the following:

(after bios and memorycheck…)
QNX loader
boot partition 1
missing operating system

the start before was like
previos boot incomplete
using default configuration

what went wrong on the system, what can i do
to solve the problem and will the data on the
harddisk be damaged??
I know a bit UNIX, but I’m a newbie in QNX

can anybody help me ??

thanks a lot
Roland (with back on the wall)
pleas contact to roland.schreiner@gmx.de

Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
Before you buy.

There are two common reasons the this may have occured.
In qnx there is a file in your /config directory with
a name that has “hard” in it. This file should
not be deleted or moved, especially beyond the
512Meg boundary. You can restore the file using
the “boot” command.

The other reason this can occur is if the disk
parameters Heads, and Sectors/Track that are
assumed by the BIOS and those assumed by the
QNX driver when you initialize the disk are
different. In this case you often need to
reinitialize the disk and reload.

A third and unlikely, but simple cause would
be if the wrong partition table item is marked
as bootable.

roland_schreiner@my-deja.com wrote:

working on a qnx2 based laser cutting machine
in germany.
when the system starts I get the following:

(after bios and memorycheck…)
QNX loader
boot partition 1
missing operating system

the start before was like
previos boot incomplete
using default configuration

what went wrong on the system, what can i do
to solve the problem and will the data on the
harddisk be damaged??
I know a bit UNIX, but I’m a newbie in QNX

can anybody help me ??

thanks a lot
Roland (with back on the wall)
pleas contact to > roland.schreiner@gmx.de

Sent via Deja.com > http://www.deja.com/
Before you buy.

Mitchell Schoenbrun --------- maschoen@pobox.com

Mitchell Schoenbrun <maschoen@tsoft.com> schrieb in im Newsbeitrag:

The other reason this can occur is if the disk
parameters Heads, and Sectors/Track that are
assumed by the BIOS and those assumed by the
QNX driver when you initialize the disk are
different. In this case you often need to
reinitialize the disk and reload.

OK thanks before

the processor graphics and so on is mounted on one board
and I had to change the board. normaly we take the original hd, put it in
the new board(pc), do a setup in the bios and normaly it works.
so what can I do without destroying data
I think I need a boot disk or something
but I know nothing about making a boot disk with qnx and which files needed
on it
the only thin I found out is that I shoud start fdisk (parameter? switch?)
hope you can help me
thanks Roland

Roland Schreiner <roland.schreiner@gmx.de> wrote:

OK thanks before
the processor graphics and so on is mounted on one board
and I had to change the board. normaly we take the original hd, put it in
the new board(pc), do a setup in the bios and normaly it works.

Well that depends on whether the BIOS agrees with how
the drive was setup with QNX. I would suggest
putting the drive back, booting, and then
use fdisk on /dev/hd0. Look at the fdisk
screen and see which Sector/Head/Cylinder
values are being used. Plug these into the
bios of the new board and see if you can

so what can I do without destroying data
I think I need a boot disk or something
but I know nothing about making a boot disk with qnx and which files needed
on it

I’ll put the script that I use on the bottom of this.

======= CUT HERE ======
mount /dev/fd0 /fd
dinit /dev/fd0
mkdir /fd/bin
cp -vp /boot/images/floppy32 /fd/.boot
cp -vp /bin/cat /fd/bin
cp -vp /bin/dinit /fd/bin
cp -vp /bin/echo /fd/bin
cp -vp /bin/prefix /fd/bin
cp -vp /usr/bin/fcat /fd/bin
cp -vp /bin/mount /fd/bin
cp -vp /bin/pax /fd/bin
cp -vp /bin/esh /fd/bin
ln -s esh /fd/bin/sh
cp -vp /bin/Dev /fd/bin
cp -vp /bin/Dev.con /fd/bin
cp -vp /bin/Fsys.aha2scsi /fd/bin
cp -vp /bin/Fsys.aha4scsi /fd/bin
cp -vp /bin/Fsys.aha7scsi /fd/bin
cp -vp /bin/Fsys.eide /fd/bin
cp -vp /etc/disk-types /fd/etc
cp -vp /etc/logo.F /fd/etc
cp -vp /etc/config/sysinit.floppy /fd/etc/config/sysinit
cp -vp /etc/config/sysinit.floppy.alt /fd/etc/config/altsysinit
cp -vp /etc/config/kbd/* /fd/etc/config/kbd
cp -vp /usr/lib/terminfo/q/qnx /fd/usr/lib/terminfo/q

Added for 4.22 boot disk

d=date "+%y%m%d"
echo Copying all the archived utilities…
mkdir ./ram
cp -p /bin/Pipe ./ram
cp -p /bin/cp ./ram
cp -p /bin/dcheck ./ram
cp -p /bin/fdisk ./ram
cp -p /etc/qnx_install ./ram/install
cp -p /etc/install_setup ./ram
cp -p /usr/bin/kbd ./ram
cp -p /bin/rtc ./ram
cp -p /bin/use ./ram
cp -p /usr/bin/vol ./ram
echo Finished copying…
echo Creating utility archive $d.util.tar.F
find ./ram/* | pax -x cpio -vw | freeze > ./$d.util.tar.F
echo Cleaning up…
cp -v ./$d.util.tar.F /fd/util.tar.F
rm -f ./ram/*
rmdir ram
echo done!
===== CUT HERE

Mitchell Schoenbrun --------- maschoen@pobox.com