Need to find a good book for System Admin

Hi Guys! I need to find a good book for administring a QNX System. I am
very new to UNIX or ONX OS, so I need something that explains even


Start with these, and then move into the general Unix books. Much of the
general unix books apply except where the startup files are located. In a
lot of unix’s they are in paths like /etc/rc2.d and /etc/init.d. In QNX
they are just in /etc/config.

Getting Started with QNX by Rob Krten ISBN 0-9682501-0-6
The QNX 4 Realtime Operating System by Frank Kolnick ISBN 0-921960-01-8

O’Reily has a great selection of books. You can find all of these at where you will find a discount on the book price over the
manufacturers web sites, and the stores, but you will pay to have them
shipped which offsets the discount so that they cost the same as the


lalit wrote:

Hi Guys! I need to find a good book for administring a QNX System. I am
very new to UNIX or ONX OS, so I need something that explains even
