I have downloaded the repository with the c++ development tools. I have
ensured that all of the packages that I want to run are active in the
package manager. However I can’t seem to compile any files. I presume that
the command to compile a simple c file is:

gcc filename.c

This must require gcc to be in the path as the error message is gcc is an
invalid command. Anyone know how to modify the path to include the gcc
directory. Also there must be a set of directories that the compiler looks
in when it runs to find filename.c. How do I modify this so the compiler
can act upon files from an arbitary directory. If this is not possible then
which directory should I put filename.c in?

Any help appreciated.


Paul Jones
Department of Engineering Science
University of Oxford

Contact details:
Email: paul.jones@bnc.ox.ac.uk
Phone: 01865 283704
Moblie: 07790 560448

You are probably missing a package, work for me. However it’s better to do

qcc -Vgcc_ntox86 filename.c

“Paul Jones” <paul.jones@bnc.ox.ac.uk> wrote in message

I have downloaded the repository with the c++ development tools. I have
ensured that all of the packages that I want to run are active in the
package manager. However I can’t seem to compile any files. I presume
the command to compile a simple c file is:

gcc filename.c

This must require gcc to be in the path as the error message is gcc is an
invalid command. Anyone know how to modify the path to include the gcc
directory. Also there must be a set of directories that the compiler
in when it runs to find filename.c. How do I modify this so the compiler
can act upon files from an arbitary directory. If this is not possible
which directory should I put filename.c in?

Any help appreciated.


Paul Jones
Department of Engineering Science
University of Oxford

Contact details:
Email: > paul.jones@bnc.ox.ac.uk
Phone: 01865 283704
Moblie: 07790 560448