Changing the shape of PtButton

Must the PtButton widget be rectangular? Is there a easy way to change
the shape of this button (ie. a triangle or a circle) without creating a
new widget?

Thanks Mary…

Mary Bourke wrote:

Must the PtButton widget be rectangular? Is there a easy way to change
the shape of this button (ie. a triangle or a circle) without creating a
new widget?

Thanks Mary…

Hi, you can use PtPolygon or PtEllipse, or PtBitmap to draw
any button you want.

For example, a circle button can be designed by a PtBitmap. When
you press it, it will show arming bitmap.


WeiBing Tong

Aquila Mining Systems Ltd.
1450 City Councillors, Suite 330
Montreal, QC
Canada H3A 2E6
Tel: (514) 874-9917 ext 239
Fax: (514) 874-4005

WeiBing Tong <> wrote:
: Hi, you can use PtPolygon or PtEllipse, or PtBitmap to draw
: any button you want.

True, but you’ll need to make the ellipse (or whatever) selectable and
write an Arm callback that will make it look pressed in.

Steve Reid
TechPubs (Technical Publications)
QNX Software Systems Ltd.