I want make DHCP server!!!

What must I do? I find “dhcp.client” in QNX but I don’t find dhcp.server!
I wait for your help!


I suggest you download the source from isc.org and build it. I just
downloaded it and except for a few small changes dhcpd built without any
difficulties. I am not a 100% sure if it will work as advertised but you can
always ask again if you have problems.


PS. If you wish I can mail you the binary.

I’m using ISC DHCP Server v.2. It works fine for QNX and MS Windows
clients. Feel difference between v.2 and v.3 before choosing it.

TELDAT wrote:

What must I do? I find “dhcp.client” in QNX but I don’t find dhcp.server!
I wait for your help!