QNX RTP package config files??

Hi everyone,

I’ve been trying to install QNX RTP onto windows on a P90mhz dell PC,
but keep getting the following messages when i boot to QNX:

Detected EIDE. Scanning for devices. This can take up to 30 secs
/.diskroot file for root not found on any filesystem
Starting with safe mode
[4102] fs-pkgbuilt: Sep 7 2000
Warning [/pkgs/base/safe-config/etc/system/package/packages] doesn’t
seem to exist
Cant access package config file
Unable to access packages

Can anyone tell me what the prob. is here???

thanks alot


EMAIL: be97ssa@brunel.ac.uk

WEBSITE: http://www.brunel.ac.uk/~be97ssa

WAP site: http://www.wapdrive.com/s_a_kader

ICQ#: 75959023