I just inetalled QRTP from the CDROM I got in the mail, and it runs
beautifully, but I’m a little confused about what comes with it. From the
documentation I thought PhAB did, but when I install the photon developer
stuff I don’t see the PhAB button, and the documents don’t say what the
PhAB program is called so I can’t run it from a terminal window.
Maybe PhAB does not come with QRTP?
Anyone know? If not, where would I have seen that it did not, and where do
I get it?
John H. Zouck
The Johns Hopkins University
Applied Physics Laboratory
John H. Zouck <jhz@aplexus.jhuapl.edu> wrote:
: I just inetalled QRTP from the CDROM I got in the mail, and it runs
: beautifully, but I’m a little confused about what comes with it. From the
: documentation I thought PhAB did, but when I install the photon developer
: stuff I don’t see the PhAB button, and the documents don’t say what the
: PhAB program is called so I can’t run it from a terminal window.
: Maybe PhAB does not come with QRTP?
: Anyone know? If not, where would I have seen that it did not, and where do
: I get it?
If you can see the Photon docs, you’ve installed the Photon development
package correctly.
PhAB isn’t included on the shelf by default. Instead, you can launch it
from the Launch menu in the lower left corner of the screen. It’s filed
under Development.
If you want to add it to the shelf, create a new item and start the
appbuilder command. For details, see the Utilities Reference.
Steve Reid stever@qnx.com
TechPubs (Technical Publications)
QNX Software Systems