which bootloader do you use?

On my pc There are two system,QNX and winxp,I want to know which bootloader you use,the default bootloader of qnx is too simple and the delay time is too short.

You can use the NT loader from Winxp

or grub gnu.org/software/grub/

My comment: The NT-bootloader fail when QNX is install on an other disk.
My way to boot QNX, Windows , (Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris) is LILO with ships with most Linux-system.

:slight_smile:,but now I have no Linux on my pc.

Then try to compile GRUB for QNX.

The qnx4fs patch for grub (in case you don’t have a FAT partition to host the grub files) can be found in here.

Precompiled grub 0.95 binaries for QNX 6 can be found here.