I need an help about message queue.
Do you know if non-blocking queues work under QNX?
Please if you can give me an answer …

Yes they work fine. Check out (on a QNX 4.2x system)
/etc/readme/mqueue/mq_overview.doc and the watcom manual for mq_xxx

Zanon Fabio wrote:

I need an help about message queue.
Do you know if non-blocking queues work under QNX?
Please if you can give me an answer …

Zanon Fabio <zanon.f@tecnomare.it> wrote:

I need an help about message queue.
Do you know if non-blocking queues work under QNX?

Yes, they do. You need to set the appropriate flag in the
attribute structure for the mq_open() call. But, it is important
to note that message queues under QNX are implemented on top of
Send()/Receive()/Reply() [or MsgSend()/MsgReceive()/MsgReply() for
QNX Neutrino], so even a (nominally) non-blocking mqsend() will actually
make a blocking [Msg]Send() call to the Mqueue [mqueue] server, which
is supposed to respond “quickly” such that it doesn’t block for very

Also, message queues are less efficient than messages for moving larger
amounts of data as they require 2 S/R/R transactions to move the data,
rather than just one.


QNX Training Services

Be careful which version of Mqueue you use - 4.24A is better than 4.24B - I
don’t know what the latest shipped by QNX is.


David Gibbs wrote:

Zanon Fabio <> zanon.f@tecnomare.it> > wrote:
I need an help about message queue.
Do you know if non-blocking queues work under QNX?

Yes, they do. You need to set the appropriate flag in the
attribute structure for the mq_open() call. But, it is important
to note that message queues under QNX are implemented on top of
Send()/Receive()/Reply() [or MsgSend()/MsgReceive()/MsgReply() for
QNX Neutrino], so even a (nominally) non-blocking mqsend() will actually
make a blocking [Msg]Send() call to the Mqueue [mqueue] server, which
is supposed to respond “quickly” such that it doesn’t block for very

Also, message queues are less efficient than messages for moving larger
amounts of data as they require 2 S/R/R transactions to move the data,
rather than just one.


QNX Training Services

I had problems with systems using 4.24B that I was tracking down when I was
informed that 4.24A was the latest version. When I switched to 4.24A my systems
ran without problems so I didn’t investigate anymore. I think 4.24B was a test
for something and I don’t recall where I got it.


“Ignacio Marín” wrote:

What is the meaning of “better” in that sentence?
Faster? More reliable?

Thanks in advance…

rectech <> rectech@iname.com> > escribió en el mensaje de noticias
3A525492.5CDD67D2@iname.com> …
Be careful which version of Mqueue you use - 4.24A is better than 4.24B -
don’t know what the latest shipped by QNX is.


David Gibbs wrote:

Zanon Fabio <> zanon.f@tecnomare.it> > wrote:
I need an help about message queue.
Do you know if non-blocking queues work under QNX?

Yes, they do. You need to set the appropriate flag in the
attribute structure for the mq_open() call. But, it is important
to note that message queues under QNX are implemented on top of
Send()/Receive()/Reply() [or MsgSend()/MsgReceive()/MsgReply() for
QNX Neutrino], so even a (nominally) non-blocking mqsend() will actually
make a blocking [Msg]Send() call to the Mqueue [mqueue] server, which
is supposed to respond “quickly” such that it doesn’t block for very

Also, message queues are less efficient than messages for moving larger
amounts of data as they require 2 S/R/R transactions to move the data,
rather than just one.


QNX Training Services

What is the meaning of “better” in that sentence?
Faster? More reliable?

Thanks in advance…

rectech <rectech@iname.com> escribió en el mensaje de noticias

Be careful which version of Mqueue you use - 4.24A is better than 4.24B -
don’t know what the latest shipped by QNX is.


David Gibbs wrote:

Zanon Fabio <> zanon.f@tecnomare.it> > wrote:
I need an help about message queue.
Do you know if non-blocking queues work under QNX?

Yes, they do. You need to set the appropriate flag in the
attribute structure for the mq_open() call. But, it is important
to note that message queues under QNX are implemented on top of
Send()/Receive()/Reply() [or MsgSend()/MsgReceive()/MsgReply() for
QNX Neutrino], so even a (nominally) non-blocking mqsend() will actually
make a blocking [Msg]Send() call to the Mqueue [mqueue] server, which
is supposed to respond “quickly” such that it doesn’t block for very

Also, message queues are less efficient than messages for moving larger
amounts of data as they require 2 S/R/R transactions to move the data,
rather than just one.


QNX Training Services