Ethernet 802.2 packet format

Does it exist a solution for QNX or Neutrino ?


| Ing Enrico Bendinelli | Prisma Engineering srl |
| | Via Petrocchi 4 20127 MILANO ITALY |
| | Tel. +39 02 26113507 Fax. 26113597 |

Hi Enrico,

I believe that the network driver in QNX4 (and probably in QNX6) is not
responsible for this particular level of protocol.
I think that QNX drivers are strictly responsible for the basic ethernet
frame protocol level (hardware dependent) and nothing above it!
(This allows the use of a single driver for the hardware, with multiple
protocols possibly in use at the same time…)
I believe that the layer you are enquiring about is the responsibility of
the next layer (of software) up from the driver.
As such, I think that you should be asking this question of QSSL directly…

Enrico Bendinelli <> wrote in message

Does it exist a solution for QNX or Neutrino ?


| Ing Enrico Bendinelli | Prisma Engineering srl |
| > > | Via Petrocchi 4 20127 MILANO ITALY |
| > > | Tel. +39 02 26113507 Fax. 26113597 |