An editor?

I’m looking for a good programming editor for QNX. Does the Watcom VI
editor exist for QNX?

The best thing I’ve found so far is JED, but it’s “smart” indentation
system is driving my crazy…

Jan M. Danielsson <> wrote:

I’m looking for a good programming editor for QNX. Does the Watcom VI
editor exist for QNX?

Better!!! (assuming you are talking about QNX6/RTP). There is a guy
doing a native Photon version of vim (Vi IMproved). He has a package
you can install from photon on his website,

You can type “:help” from inside of either vim or gvim (gvim for the
photon version). You can also visit

chris > “The faster I go, the behinder I get.”

Chris McKillop – Lewis Carroll –
Software Engineer, QSSL