How to use it

Hi all…

I have downloaded the QNXRTP and successfully installed on my machine…and
worked for sometime with it in browsing on net etc…stuff…
But I am wondered how to develop and download the realtime embedded
applications using this platform…
I would to know the procedure…to use this QNX…

I got little familiarity with Tornado2.0 …
Do we have any tool like this in QNX…

Pls. do reply…


“SK” <> wrote in message

Hi all…

I have downloaded the QNXRTP and successfully installed on my
worked for sometime with it in browsing on net etc…stuff…

But I am wondered how to develop and download the realtime embedded
applications using this platform…

Make sure you install the development package (from the installer) and
it. There is no IDE. Available build-in editor are vi, vim, jed, other are
on the web (check

I would to know the procedure…to use this QNX…

vi hello.c (create file)
cc hello.c -o hello (build the file)

I got little familiarity with Tornado2.0 …
Do we have any tool like this in QNX…


Pls. do reply…

Unless you build for non x86 CPU, you don’t have to cross develop.
You just edit build run your application on the same machine.

Of course if your embedded system is a 386 with 4 meg of ram, you
can’t really develop with it. The way to develop depends on your
hardware. If your embedded has a floppy you can install QNX on the
floppy and boot from there and then have the two machines network together
(via ethernet, serial).

There are many ways to do this, way to much to enumerate here.
If you want help give more info on your setup.

You can even develop from windows if that is what you prefer.
