Short DOS filenames on CD

I created a CD from Windows, the names show up short on QNX4 (Iso9660fsys).
I mean they sho~1 up shor~1 with Iso966~1 :wink:
They show up correctly in QNX6. What do I have to do?

Markus Loffler <> wrote:

I created a CD from Windows, the names show up short on QNX4 (Iso9660fsys).
I mean they sho~1 up shor~1 with Iso966~1 > :wink:
They show up correctly in QNX6. What do I have to do?

Hm… there are two “standards” for extending the ISO9660 spec to handle
long file names, RockRidge and (I think it is called) Joliet. Joliet is
the Windows one – QNX6 understands both. Check to see if you CD burner
software understands/knows how to make a CD using RockRidge extensions
rather than the default (Joliet).


QNX Training Services

Markus Loffler <> wrote:
: I created a CD from Windows, the names show up short on QNX4 (Iso9660fsys).
: I mean they sho~1 up shor~1 with Iso966~1 :wink:
: They show up correctly in QNX6. What do I have to do?

Get Iso9660fsys 4.23D (from a 4.25 update), which has Joliet support.

-rwxrwxr-x 1 root wheel 31006 Mar 20 2000 /hd/bin/Iso9660fsys

why not create a tar-file of the files/directories to be saved - give it
an 8.3 name, move it to win/dos and burn your CD ?

John Garvey schrieb:

Markus Loffler <>> > wrote:
: I created a CD from Windows, the names show up short on QNX4 (Iso9660fsys).
: I mean they sho~1 up shor~1 with Iso966~1 > :wink:
: They show up correctly in QNX6. What do I have to do?

Get Iso9660fsys 4.23D (from a 4.25 update), which has Joliet support.

-rwxrwxr-x 1 root wheel 31006 Mar 20 2000 /hd/bin/Iso9660fsys

Dr. Jörg Kampmann - IBK-Consult for Real-Time and Embedded Systems
D-31228 Peine - Tel.:+49-177-276-3140 - Fax: +49-5171-13385
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yeah that would be an acceptable alternative…

“Joerg Kampmann” <> wrote in message

why not create a tar-file of the files/directories to be saved - give it
an 8.3 name, move it to win/dos and burn your CD ?

John Garvey schrieb:

Markus Loffler <>> > wrote:
: I created a CD from Windows, the names show up short on QNX4
: I mean they sho~1 up shor~1 with Iso966~1 > :wink:
: They show up correctly in QNX6. What do I have to do?

Get Iso9660fsys 4.23D (from a 4.25 update), which has Joliet support.

-rwxrwxr-x 1 root wheel 31006 Mar 20 2000 /hd/bin/Iso9660fsys

Dr. Jörg Kampmann - IBK-Consult for Real-Time and Embedded Systems
D-31228 Peine - Tel.:+49-177-276-3140 - Fax: +49-5171-13385
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