jikes doesn't work on qnx?

Has anyone successfully compiled & installed jikes on a QNX box?

I downloaded the jikes source from http://oss.software.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/jikes/
and ran the configure/make/make-install but when I try to run it I get

/usr/local/bin/jikes[1]: syntax error: `pö’ unexpected

another funny thing is that the configure script wouldn’t work with gcc, I had to set CXX=qcc
for it to configure & build

Chris Goebel

I belive that there is already a jikes package made up for 6.1. Check
on www.qnxstart.com.


Chris Goebel <cgoebel@tridium.com> wrote:

Has anyone successfully compiled & installed jikes on a QNX box?

I downloaded the jikes source from > http://oss.software.ibm.com/developerworks/op
and ran the configure/make/make-install but when I try to run it I get

/usr/local/bin/jikes[1]: syntax error: `p?’ unexpected

another funny thing is that the configure script wouldn’t work with gcc, I had t
o set CXX=qcc
for it to configure & build

Chris Goebel

cdm@qnx.com > “The faster I go, the behinder I get.”

Chris McKillop – Lewis Carroll –
Software Engineer, QSSL