6.1 installation on ServerWorks LE?

Anybody try this? I just did, for the heck of it. No go. ASUS
CUR-DLS, or more precisely the Gateway 6400 OEM version of the board.
If I had to take a wild guess I’d say the PCI scanner’s choking on the
second PCI bus, which happens to be where the LSI 53c1010-33 sits.
Makes using the SCSI a tad tough. The PCI scanner reports an invalid
field or some such, and the “ncr8” driver detects no controller.
I’ve had similar difficulties with other software. Sandra for
instance gets all confused as to what’s where; Intel’s DOS diags for the
Pro1000 refuse to see card on the second bus even when pointed straight
to it, while the drivers work (albeit at 32 bit). Intel’s own ancient
PCI scanner finds everything just fine, as does Matrox’s PCISPY, and a
1996-vintage (pre-SP1) NT4 installs (so long as you ignore the initial
“installation failed” message) and runs.
Going off to read the web site…

Peter E. Fry

Peter E. Fry wrote:

Anybody try this? I just did, for the heck of it. No go. ASUS
CUR-DLS, or more precisely the Gateway 6400 OEM version of the board.
If I had to take a wild guess I’d say the PCI scanner’s choking on the
second PCI bus, which happens to be where the LSI 53c1010-33 sits. […]

OK, getting serious: Starting with F6 (verbose) and F10 (partition
install), message is:

Starting pci-bios
Range check failed (IO) - Dev 211 - Vend 1166 - Class 1018a
Addr ffa0 - Size 10

…and ncr8 finds nothing. Problem is, device 211 is the IDE controller
(according to the data at http://www.yourvote.com/pci/), and it works
– it mounts the CD. Then again, it ends with a “cannot locate
finstall” or some such (dang it – didn’t write that down, and swapping
boxes is a giant PITA).
So… Exactly what’s the failure here…? A quick search of
<comp.os.qnx> pulled up a few mentions, but no specifics or fixes. A
search on <www.qnx.com> came up empty.
I did accidentally drop through the boot with no options selected, and
received (a message similar to) “no qnx 6.1 partition to mount”.
I don’t recall having such difficulties with an IDE HDD. I would
expect a listing of available HDDs during startup, but I could just be
high. Would it be profitable to drop to a prompt and dig a bit? I have
to swap external peripherals – I have little space and one set handy,
and the bloody thing takes forever to boot (2.5GB RAM, SCSI), so I don’t
care to plug it up again tonight.
BIOS is AMI 0AAWGP20 (latest on Gateway’s site), SCSI BIOS is 4.17.00,
by the way.

Peter E. Fry