Install Network Issues

I’m trying to install QNX PE 6.2.1 onto a dell dimension 8100 with a 3com 905C NIC. When I boot from the CD, the network works fine. When I boot from the hd after a
clean install, the network works. After I install the first QNX upgrade package, the network still works. But the problem comes after I install the IDE package. When
I open voyager (or even try telnet in terminal) it tries to open the dialer and then the dialer and voyager freeze and I have to slay them. From what I can tell the
network settings are still the same as before (en0 set to DHCP, nothing under connections, and local network shows up under the thirs tab). The question then is what is
the insanely simple step that I am missing to make it work? Thanks for the help.

–Kevin Pratt