Administrator and Worker approach

Thanks for all your reply to my last post.
After seeing some online reference, I have some questions regarding the
process communication:

Suppose I want to use the Administrator and Worker approach in doing message
passing. From the link, it saids the server process(i.e. Admin) has to
attach to a channel while the client ( workers of that Admin) have to open a
connection to that channel.

Q1 . If I have 2 Admin (Should I regard the situation as having 2
servers?..), and they communicate with each other by a courier, should
they share the same channel? If they must share the same channel, should I
implement something like this(register SAME NAME in name space):
int main()
//…like the server side code in that link
attach = name_attach(NULL, “admin”, 0);

int main()
//…like the server side code in that link
attach = name_attach(NULL, “admin”, 0);

Actually, If I register the 2 Admin processes to DIFFERENT channel, will
they be not able to communicate with each other?

Q2. As for that Courier which serves as worker process exchanging message
between the 2 administrator, I don’t know how to implement…I guess it is
something like the following, may anyone correct me if I am wrong?THX

int main(…)
//sth. similar to client side code in the link

Q3. I really get confused…If I register everything in the same channel,
the message from the Admin2’s workers may also send to Admin1(which is not
appropriate). On the other hand, If I open 2 channel for the 2 Admin, I
don’t know how they communicate with the courier {implement
name_open(“admin1”…) and name_open(“admin2”…) at different time} ?

I ask because I am a novice.
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