
Does anybody know the minimum sze DiskOnChip2000 I’d need to run QNX and the
PhotonMico Gui?

Thanks again!


Hi Bill,

As the demo-disk proves, you could store an image of about 1.44 MB on a flash,
and expand it to memory. This could take some serious ‘shoe-horning’ though.
I’ve gotten QNX and Photon to run together in about 2.5MB of RAM, but that’s
probably a little too stripped down for most. For the QNX side of things,
you’ll need about <1MB (Fsys drivers, misc utils, etc)
For the Photon side of things, take a look at this entry in our knowledge base:

Since M-Systems offers an 8MB disk, I would think that would be more than


Bill Pimentel <bpimentel@automatech.com> wrote:
: Does anybody know the minimum sze DiskOnChip2000 I’d need to run QNX and the
: PhotonMico Gui?

: Thanks again!

: Bill

Hi Bill,

I did get earlier versions of QNX and Photon (1.12?) running on an Elan 310
(386) with 4MB DRAM and a 4MB DOC 2000. That was only running one
application and without the desktop manager though. I’m now using an STPC
Client (486/586), 16MB DRAM and an 8MB DOC with room to spare.


Bill Pimentel wrote in message <8j843e$r0j$1@inn.qnx.com>…

Does anybody know the minimum sze DiskOnChip2000 I’d need to run QNX and
PhotonMico Gui?

Thanks again!


I have put QNX and Photon on a DiskOnChip and alone they took up about
30MB. You can either strip away nonessential files and use compression to
expand in a Ramdisk, this should make it much smaller. I am using a 32MB.


wow you missed a few files that can go! I have done 2 and 4 meg demos
for specific hardware ( you cant really have a lot of unneeded drivers)





the second one is for the Microforce (UforCE) demo. I’ll dress it up later
and strip out the unneeded files and add some comments. This was a 4M demo
for an AMD sc400 refference design

I’ll dig up what I have for a different (smaller) demo

Previously, Ross Brantner wrote in qdn.public.qnx4:
{ I have put QNX and Photon on a DiskOnChip and alone they took up about
{ 30MB. You can either strip away nonessential files and use compression to
{ expand in a Ramdisk, this should make it much smaller. I am using a 32MB.
{ Ross

Pat Ford email: pford@qnx.com
QNX Software Systems, Ltd. WWW: http://www.qnx.com
(613) 591-0931 (voice) mail: 175 Terence Matthews
(613) 591-3579 (fax) Kanata, Ontario, Canada K2M 1W8

Wow. QNX, Photon, and our app takes less than 8MB on our 12MB DOC.
We aren’t compressing either.

Previously, Ross Brantner wrote in qdn.public.qnx4:

I have put QNX and Photon on a DiskOnChip and alone they took up about
30MB. You can either strip away nonessential files and use compression to
expand in a Ramdisk, this should make it much smaller. I am using a 32MB.


On Fri, 13 Apr 2001 16:41:39 -0700, “Pete D.” <peted@NOSPAM.ifspurity.com> wrote:

Previously, Rick Anthony wrote in qdn.public.qnx4:
I have a VersaLogic Panther board that includes a 128 MB DiskOnChip. I can
install QNX 4.25 on a hard-disk and then format and mount the DiskOnChip as a
separate partition. However, I am unable to install QNX on the DiskOnChip and
use it as a boot device.

Could you post some more details? At what point does the system fail? Also, are you using the latest DiskOnChip
driver? We had to download the one on the M-Systems web site…

I was only able to mount the DoC by using the latest driver from M-Systems web-site. The driver on the QNX install CD
did not work.

The directions I downloaded from M-Systems indicate
that I
can modify my QNX boot disk, but my boot disk also includes license files; it
is unreadable.

If you intend to boot directly from the DoC (without a boot floppy) you will need to copy your .licenses file to the root
of the DoC. You will also need a .boot file for the DoC that contains the appropriate drivers.

I was hoping that I could install QNX directly onto the DoC by using the standard install disk. The directions from the M-
Systems web-site indicated that I could modify my install disk and follow the standard install procedure. However, I
cannot modify my install floppy (it appears as garbage when viewed under Windows, and I cannot mount it in QNX) .

Can I simply copy the QNX directories from my hard-disk to the DoC and create an appropriate .boot file for the DoC by
using the buildqnx command???

  • Pete


Previously, Rick Anthony wrote in qdn.public.qnx4:

On Fri, 13 Apr 2001 16:41:39 -0700, “Pete D.” <> peted@NOSPAM.ifspurity.com> > wrote:
Previously, Rick Anthony wrote in qdn.public.qnx4:
The directions I downloaded from M-Systems indicate
that I
can modify my QNX boot disk, but my boot disk also includes license files; it
is unreadable.

If you intend to boot directly from the DoC (without a boot floppy) you will
need to copy your .licenses file to the root of the DoC. You will also need
a .boot file for the DoC that contains the appropriate drivers.

I was hoping that I could install QNX directly onto the DoC by using the standard
install disk. The directions from the M-Systems web-site indicated that I
could modify my install disk and follow the standard install procedure. However,
I cannot modify my install floppy (it appears as garbage when viewed under Windows,
and I cannot mount it in QNX) .

I’ve never tried installing QNX on to a DoC that way. I’m skeptical, but I’ll defer
to the folks at QSSL…

Can I simply copy the QNX directories from my hard-disk to the DoC and create an
appropriate .boot file for the DoC by
using the buildqnx command???

Absolutely. That’s how we did ours initially. For what it’s worth, here’s one
of our old .boot build files:


$ boot -v

$ Proc32 -l 1

$ Slib32

$ Slib16

$ Fsys -c 100K

$ Fsys.diskonchip

$ mount -p/dev/tffs0 /dev/tffs0t77 /

$ sinit TERM=qnx


No warranties expressed or implied…

  • Pete

I tried this but my VersaLogic board does not see a boot disk (I marked it as bootable using fdisk). I can copy any directory that simply contains files, but how do I
replicate the /dev directory?


On Mon, 16 Apr 2001 12:03:23 -0700, “Pete D.” <peted@NOSPAM.ifspurity.com> wrote:

Previously, Rick Anthony wrote in qdn.public.qnx4:
On Fri, 13 Apr 2001 16:41:39 -0700, “Pete D.” <> peted@NOSPAM.ifspurity.com> > wrote:
Previously, Rick Anthony wrote in qdn.public.qnx4:
The directions I downloaded from M-Systems indicate
that I
can modify my QNX boot disk, but my boot disk also includes license files; it
is unreadable.

If you intend to boot directly from the DoC (without a boot floppy) you will
need to copy your .licenses file to the root of the DoC. You will also need
a .boot file for the DoC that contains the appropriate drivers.

I was hoping that I could install QNX directly onto the DoC by using the standard
install disk. The directions from the M-Systems web-site indicated that I
could modify my install disk and follow the standard install procedure. However,
I cannot modify my install floppy (it appears as garbage when viewed under Windows,
and I cannot mount it in QNX) .

I’ve never tried installing QNX on to a DoC that way. I’m skeptical, but I’ll defer
to the folks at QSSL…

Can I simply copy the QNX directories from my hard-disk to the DoC and create an
appropriate .boot file for the DoC by
using the buildqnx command???

Absolutely. That’s how we did ours initially. For what it’s worth, here’s one
of our old .boot build files:


$ boot -v

$ Proc32 -l 1

$ Slib32

$ Slib16

$ Fsys -c 100K

$ Fsys.diskonchip

$ mount -p/dev/tffs0 /dev/tffs0t77 /

$ sinit TERM=qnx


No warranties expressed or implied…

  • Pete

Can I simply copy the QNX directories from my hard-disk to the DoC and
create an appropriate .boot file for the DoC by
using the buildqnx command???

Thats what I did. This is roughly the steps:

1.) Add a spare 420 meg HD to my already installed QNX 4.25 system on my
development PC (installed by booting from CD)
2.) use the disk utilities to set up and mount the 420 meg
3.) copy over the license files and boot files and system files and etc…
4.) swap the master and slave jumpers and see if I can boot off the 420 meg
5.) repeated step 3 until step 4 worked (very tedious finding all the little
6.) take the 420 meg and attach it to a 386 PC-104 board with an IDE,video,
keyboard, and single slot DOC
7.) setup the 386 bios to boot from the 420meg.
8.) use the M-systems DOC driver to set up and mount the DOC
9.) build the new boot file with the DOC driver (the build file was posted
by someone else)
10.) copy over the license files and boot files and system files and etc…
11.) change the bios to boot from the DOC
12.) repeated step 10 until step 11 worked
13.) I now had a booting, working 386 on the DOC.
14.) tranfser the DOC to a 486 PC-104 system with dual DOC slots and make
SEVERAL copies of this working DOC.
note: I ran into several problems where the DOC would ‘suddenly’ become
unbootable after several boots or swapping
the DOC from system to system or where power problems were

I hope this helps…:slight_smile:

Thanks to everyones’ help I can now boot QNX from my DiskOnChip. Following posted instructions I copied QNX from my harddrive to the DoC and created an
appropriate boot file. Once I marked the DoC as the first drive (using DUPDATE), it booted fine.

Thanks again,

On Sat, 14 Apr 2001 01:54:46 GMT, Rick Anthony <rick_anthony@metricvision.com> wrote:

On Fri, 13 Apr 2001 16:41:39 -0700, “Pete D.” <> peted@NOSPAM.ifspurity.com> > wrote:
Previously, Rick Anthony wrote in qdn.public.qnx4:
I have a VersaLogic Panther board that includes a 128 MB DiskOnChip. I can
install QNX 4.25 on a hard-disk and then format and mount the DiskOnChip as a
separate partition. However, I am unable to install QNX on the DiskOnChip and
use it as a boot device.

Could you post some more details? At what point does the system fail? Also, are you using the latest DiskOnChip
driver? We had to download the one on the M-Systems web site…

I was only able to mount the DoC by using the latest driver from M-Systems web-site. The driver on the QNX install CD
did not work.

The directions I downloaded from M-Systems indicate
that I
can modify my QNX boot disk, but my boot disk also includes license files; it
is unreadable.

If you intend to boot directly from the DoC (without a boot floppy) you will need to copy your .licenses file to the root
of the DoC. You will also need a .boot file for the DoC that contains the appropriate drivers.

I was hoping that I could install QNX directly onto the DoC by using the standard install disk. The directions from the M-
Systems web-site indicated that I could modify my install disk and follow the standard install procedure. However, I
cannot modify my install floppy (it appears as garbage when viewed under Windows, and I cannot mount it in QNX) .

Can I simply copy the QNX directories from my hard-disk to the DoC and create an appropriate .boot file for the DoC by
using the buildqnx command???


  • Pete
