Fsys.sym8scsi problems

If I use the Symbios driver from patch D to service the hard drive, and
then later start another driver (Fsys.amdscsi, Fsys.aha7scsi,
Fsys.sym8scsi) for a second card, Fsys becomes unresponsive. See other
posts here and in quics.qnx424.beta.

We really need to get this working and would like to get a reply
as to how we can get this working.

Are the Fsys people on vacation?

“Richard R. Kramer” wrote:

If I use the Symbios driver from patch D to service the hard drive, and
then later start another driver (Fsys.amdscsi, Fsys.aha7scsi,
Fsys.sym8scsi) for a second card, Fsys becomes unresponsive. See other
posts here and in quics.qnx424.beta.

We really need to get this working and would like to get a reply
as to how we can get this working.