Net.ether82557 driver

Hi All

Could you please let me know if the above driver will work on QNX4.22?
Could you also let me know where I can download this driver from or whether
that is possible?

Another question, will an application that runs on QNX4.22 run on QNX4.25
and if so how do you go about upgrading to QNX4.25? The application is very
basic and it makes use of two serial ports to receive and transmit data.

Thanx and cheers for now.


Derek Williams

Derek Williams <> wrote:


: Hi All

: Could you please let me know if the above driver will work on QNX4.22?
: Could you also let me know where I can download this driver from or whether
: that is possible?

No, the Net manager in 4.22 is 16-bit whereas the Net.ether82557 is a 32-bit
driver which only works with 32-bit versions of Net(4.23A or later).

: Another question, will an application that runs on QNX4.22 run on QNX4.25
: and if so how do you go about upgrading to QNX4.25? The application is very
: basic and it makes use of two serial ports to receive and transmit data.

Yes, make sure you include the /boot/sys/Slib16 in your boot image.
For upgrade information look at the file /etc/readme/technotes/quics on your
4.22 system.

Also see for issues when
upgrading from 4.22 to 4.25.


: Thanx and cheers for now.

: Regards

: Derek Williams