How can I add a new PLUGINS into Voyager?

Hi all,

I would like to know how can I add a new plugins into “voyager”.
Or, is there any way that I can call my own program while I use voyager to
browse a homepage.

for example:

If I click on a
I would like to execuate my own player to play it.

I had read the help of VSDK, but I still have no idea about it.
Could you tell me how can I do it.


Philip Lin

To add a plugin to voyager, you need to edit the
/qnx4/voyager/plugins/config file. There should
be an example there which will show you what fields
you need to modify.


Philip Lin wrote in message <8reve6$798$>…

Hi all,

I would like to know how can I add a new plugins into “voyager”.
Or, is there any way that I can call my own program while I use voyager to
browse a homepage.

for example:

If I click on a >
I would like to execuate my own player to play it.

I had read the help of VSDK, but I still have no idea about it.
Could you tell me how can I do it.


Philip Lin

I had already add following contents into /qnx4/voyager/plugins/config

[My Test]
Executable = /home/philip/S_player
Vendor = philip
Copyright = philip
Major Version = 1
Minor Version = 0
Fix Version = 0
Build Version = 0
MIME Types = application/x-abc ( I also add this in
/qnx4/voyager/mime/mime.types, should I? )
File Extents = .abc
File Names = Testing File (*.abc)

And I had built my player by “appbuilder”.
When I use my player “S_player” on qnx4.25, I can access my test file
“” properly.
But when I click on file://home/philip/ in voyager, it would
download the and block.

I don’t know what is the problem, but I really need a way to trigger my
If there is a good way to do it, please tell me.

Thank you!

Philip Lin