Extended Memory missing

I have trouble with my Qnx installation not using the extended memory available on my machine. 128M memory installed and only 64M appear in QNX.
When booting with dos i get the same problem, but with Debian i get all 128Megs…
I think the problem is connected to the boot process and the com with the bios.
I have tried to get a new bios version, but I’m not sure i have the right one so i dont dare to flash yet.
Is there a way to tell qnx how much memory to use? I think i might have to build a new boot image. If so, how can i do that easily?
Thank you in adwance!

If you are booting using the ‘windows’ install, this is most probably the problem, solution on that page too:


but i’m using a pure qnx installation with Neutrino 6.20
I have also tried booting from the 6.21 cd with the same problem…

Can i use the command mentioned in some boot-script?
