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I am looking for any driver for the 3C905C-TX-M NIC, even beta version, that will work with QNX 4.24 or 4.25.
Thanks for any response.

I though the Tulip drive worked with this card, according to discussions
I have read.


Adam Zembala wrote:

I am looking for any driver for the 3C905C-TX-M NIC, even beta
version, that will work with QNX 4.24 or 4.25.
Thanks for any response.

Adam Zembala <adam.zembala@opal-rt.com> wrote:

!doctype html public “-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en”
I am looking for any driver for the 3C905C-TX-M NIC, even beta version,
that will work with QNX 4.24 or 4.25.
br>Thanks for any response.</html

This information was found in the Knowledge Base at http://qdn.qnx.com,
by searching on “3com” you found the following issue:


QNX4.25 Patch D contains the the latest released driver “Net.ether905” for 3C905 nic.

You can also join QNX Beta Program at: http://support.qnx.com/beta/index.html

Oops, my mistake, corman and bay networks netgear used the tulip. Marcin
has the right answer.


“J. Scott Franko” wrote:

I though the Tulip drive worked with this card, according to discussions
I have read.


Adam Zembala wrote:

I am looking for any driver for the 3C905C-TX-M NIC, even beta
version, that will work with QNX 4.24 or 4.25.
Thanks for any response.

Previously, Adam Zembala wrote in qdn.public.qnx4:

[ attachment ]

Replied via e-mail.

Hugh Brown (613) 591-0931 ext. 209 (voice)
QNX Software Systems Ltd. (613) 591-3579 (fax)
175 Terence Matthews Cres. email: hsbrown@qnx.com
Kanata, Ontario, Canada.
K2M 1W8