QNX Windows

I’m using QNX Windows and a third party screen capture software called

I’m looking for others snap shot / screen capture softwares

If somebody knows other third party or already develop this tool, please
let me know


Yann KERNIN <ykernin@cmseddyscan.com> wrote:

I’m using QNX Windows and a third party screen capture software called

I’m looking for others snap shot / screen capture softwares

If somebody knows other third party or already develop this tool, please
let me know


Hallo Yann,

If you want to get screen image from QNX Windows and save it as bmp file
to use it in e.g. documentation, we have several years experiencies in
this domain :slight_smile:. Mainly it depends on QNX Windows version. The ScreenImage
function was fully operational in old versions, but from 1995 it had
several problems (Last version what we have dealt with is April 1996).
It was problem mainly to get image with 256 colors. This we resolved
by discovery of interesting ScreenImage feature:

In spite of the odd format of the returned data, internally it works with
structure equal to bmp body an it put it to heap. If you use simple
utility and you have no big gaps on heap, the structure will be allocated
(and then disposed) on such place that if you alloc buffer of appropriate
size immediately after calling of ScreenImage, you can find the bmp body
starting on 76. byte in the allocated buffer, regardless what ScreenImage

I have no information about newer QNX Windows versions, but may be
this miraculous hint helps you. Also we plan to put several such
utilities on our page www.microstep-mis.sk to download (we can add
this one), may be in february it will be available.


In fact, ScreenImage() is essentially a pass-through call to the graphics
driver and returns driver-dependent data. If you can get technical
information about the particular driver you’re using, you may gain extra
insight into this ‘hint’ :slight_smile:


“Andrej Lucny” <andy@nod10.mstep> wrote in message

Yann KERNIN <> ykernin@cmseddyscan.com> > wrote:
I’m using QNX Windows and a third party screen capture software called

I’m looking for others snap shot / screen capture softwares

If somebody knows other third party or already develop this tool, please
let me know


Hallo Yann,

If you want to get screen image from QNX Windows and save it as bmp file
to use it in e.g. documentation, we have several years experiencies in
this domain > :slight_smile:> . Mainly it depends on QNX Windows version. The ScreenImage
function was fully operational in old versions, but from 1995 it had
several problems (Last version what we have dealt with is April 1996).
It was problem mainly to get image with 256 colors. This we resolved
by discovery of interesting ScreenImage feature:

In spite of the odd format of the returned data, internally it works with
structure equal to bmp body an it put it to heap. If you use simple
utility and you have no big gaps on heap, the structure will be allocated
(and then disposed) on such place that if you alloc buffer of appropriate
size immediately after calling of ScreenImage, you can find the bmp body
starting on 76. byte in the allocated buffer, regardless what ScreenImage

I have no information about newer QNX Windows versions, but may be
this miraculous hint helps you. Also we plan to put several such
utilities on our page > www.microstep-mis.sk > to download (we can add
this one), may be in february it will be available.
