NFS problems.


I am trying to mount a local directory with NFS. I am starting Socket, via netstart
then the default nfsstart script. I have exported /logfiles in the /etc/export file
with the “options -root=0” as the first line.

I only have 1 QNX node to play with right now, so I am mounting the NFS directory locally
( is this possible). I have to set it up for real tomorrow onsite and would like
to get familiar.

The “mount_nfs -v ME:/logfiles /home/logs” returns “ME:/logfiles on /home/logs”.

When I try to access any files in “/home/logs”, they hang and do not return.

What is happening and why?


Kevin Hammond
PACE Control Systems.

Pace Control Systems <> wrote:


You should be able to mount_nfs locally.
What does the output of “showmount -e” tell you.
What is the output of “sin ve”
What is the output of “sin”
Is portmap running?
How are you starting the nfs server, are you using /etc/nfsstart?
My /etc/exports.$NODE contains the following:

/home/ctravis -norsvd

showmount -e for me shows:

Exports list on localhost:
/home/ctravis Everyone


I am trying to mount a local directory with NFS. I am starting Socket, via netstart
then the default nfsstart script. I have exported /logfiles in the /etc/export file
with the “options -root=0” as the first line.

I only have 1 QNX node to play with right now, so I am mounting the NFS directory locally
( is this possible). I have to set it up for real tomorrow onsite and would like
to get familiar.

The “mount_nfs -v ME:/logfiles /home/logs” returns “ME:/logfiles on /home/logs”.

This looks like it should have worked…

When I try to access any files in “/home/logs”, they hang and do not return.

What is happening and why?


Kevin Hammond
PACE Control Systems.