SIGIO and sockets


I am trying to receive a SIGIO signal as messages are received via socket
and the way to do it
(in GNU C Library, for example) seems to be by setting file descriptor
status flag FASYNC.

The code to do that would be, more or less…

/* create socket */
if ((sock_proc=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0))==-1)
perror(“Error creando socket”);

/* get flags mask */
if ((ret=fcntl(sock_proc,F_GETFL,0))<0)
perror(“Error reading socket flags”);

/* set FASYNC in the mask */

/* and finally set mask */
if ((ret=fcntl(sock_proc,F_SETFL,ret))<0)
perror(“Error setting socket flag for SIGIO”);

The problem is that FASYNC is not found in fcntl.h or in any other header
file in my QNX4.25C …
I have even searched for FASYNC string in every header file and I guess that
the flag receives a new name under QNX4…
I have tried with O_SYNC and it does not work either…

Is it only a change in the name of the flag or am I doing everything the
wrong way?
If so, how to receive a SIGIO when new data arrive via socket?

Ignacio Marin

“Ignacio Marin” <> wrote:


Take a look at the docs – The TCP/IP programmers guide, chapter
3, the section labelled “Interrupt-driven socket I/O”. It describes
exactly how to set this up. Should be in the on-line docs as you


I am trying to receive a SIGIO signal as messages are received via socket
and the way to do it
(in GNU C Library, for example) seems to be by setting file descriptor
status flag FASYNC.

The code to do that would be, more or less…

/* create socket */
if ((sock_proc=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0))==-1)
perror(“Error creando socket”);

/* get flags mask */
if ((ret=fcntl(sock_proc,F_GETFL,0))<0)
perror(“Error reading socket flags”);

/* set FASYNC in the mask */

/* and finally set mask */
if ((ret=fcntl(sock_proc,F_SETFL,ret))<0)
perror(“Error setting socket flag for SIGIO”);

The problem is that FASYNC is not found in fcntl.h or in any other header
file in my QNX4.25C …
I have even searched for FASYNC string in every header file and I guess that
the flag receives a new name under QNX4…
I have tried with O_SYNC and it does not work either…

Is it only a change in the name of the flag or am I doing everything the
wrong way?
If so, how to receive a SIGIO when new data arrive via socket?

Ignacio Marin

QNX Training Services

Ooooops… sorry… I hadn’t noticed that page…
Sorry again and thanks, David…

Ignacio Marín

“David Gibbs” <> escribió en el mensaje

“Ignacio Marin” <>> > wrote:

Take a look at the docs – The TCP/IP programmers guide, chapter
3, the section labelled “Interrupt-driven socket I/O”. It describes
exactly how to set this up. Should be in the on-line docs as you


I am trying to receive a SIGIO signal as messages are received via
and the way to do it
(in GNU C Library, for example) seems to be by setting file descriptor
status flag FASYNC.

The code to do that would be, more or less…

/* create socket */
if ((sock_proc=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0))==-1)
perror(“Error creando socket”);

/* get flags mask */
if ((ret=fcntl(sock_proc,F_GETFL,0))<0)
perror(“Error reading socket flags”);

/* set FASYNC in the mask */

/* and finally set mask */
if ((ret=fcntl(sock_proc,F_SETFL,ret))<0)
perror(“Error setting socket flag for SIGIO”);

The problem is that FASYNC is not found in fcntl.h or in any other
file in my QNX4.25C …
I have even searched for FASYNC string in every header file and I guess
the flag receives a new name under QNX4…
I have tried with O_SYNC and it does not work either…

Is it only a change in the name of the flag or am I doing everything the
wrong way?
If so, how to receive a SIGIO when new data arrive via socket?

Ignacio Marin


QNX Training Services