can't run executables

I am running 4.23A. I installed Watcom C 9.52. I wrote a simple C code,
called it hi.c, and compiled it with " cc -o hi hi.c". I try to run the
executable by typing hi, and I get the message "hi: not found ". “hi” is in
the current directory. I can’t run scripts anymore either. Can any one
please give me any input on what’s wrong.


If you are logged in as root, root does NOT by default look in the current
directory. Look at your $PATH for either
:: (a null directory entry) or :.: (a single dot) either would mean look in
the current directory. If neither are present then the current directory
will NOT be checked.

To execute a program in the current directory you can type:

The “./” specifically says look in the current directory.

P.S. Don’t ever call a program “test”.

Doron Halevi <> wrote in message

I am running 4.23A. I installed Watcom C 9.52. I wrote a simple C code,
called it hi.c, and compiled it with " cc -o hi hi.c". I try to run the
executable by typing hi, and I get the message "hi: not found ". “hi” is
the current directory. I can’t run scripts anymore either. Can any one
please give me any input on what’s wrong.


“Bill at Sierra Design” <> ÓÏÏÂÝÉÌ/ÓÏÏÂÝÉÌÁ × ÎÏ×ÏÓÔÑÈ
ÓÌÅÄÕÀÝÅÅ: news:95q74l$oac$

P.S. Don’t ever call a program “test”.

This is the BEST advice I have ever heard !!! :wink:))

Bill at Sierra Design wrote:

P.S. Don’t ever call a program “test”.

some of my best programs ever wrote were called test.
Only for marketing they were renamed :wink:

Friedhelm Schuetz

Friedhelm Schuetz <> wrote:

Bill at Sierra Design wrote:

P.S. Don’t ever call a program “test”.


some of my best programs ever wrote were called test.
Only for marketing they were renamed > :wink:

Ok, only call a program “test” if you know what you are doing. Calling
your “hello world” program “test”…

cc -o test test.c

Oops… nothing got printed… and then you start trying to fix your
test.c, which, of course, isn’t the problem.


QNX Training Services

We’ve all been bitten by it. Right? (My hand is raised)

Oleg Mityagin <> wrote in message

“Bill at Sierra Design” <>> > ÓÏÏÂÝÉÌ/ÓÏÏÂÝÉÌÁ × ÎÏ×ÏÓÔÑÈ
ÓÌÅÄÕÀÝÅÅ: news:95q74l$oac$>> …
P.S. Don’t ever call a program “test”.

This is the BEST advice I have ever heard !!! > :wink:> ))

The problem here is that “test” is a shell builtin command. If you type
test all by itself, you won’t be running your program. You’ll be running
the shell builtin.

Friedhelm Schuetz <> wrote in message

Bill at Sierra Design wrote:

P.S. Don’t ever call a program “test”.


some of my best programs ever wrote were called test.
Only for marketing they were renamed > :wink:

Friedhelm Schuetz

Not me. I learned from my colleagues’ mistake :slight_smile:
They once wrote a test program in QNX2 called “p”. (I can’t remember
what the QNX2 p does, though…)

Bill at Sierra Design wrote:

We’ve all been bitten by it. Right? (My hand is raised)

Oleg Mityagin <>> > wrote in message
news:95qqov$56f$>> …

“Bill at Sierra Design” <>> > ÓÏÏÂÝÉÌ/ÓÏÏÂÝÉÌÁ × ÎÏ×ÏÓÔÑÈ
ÓÌÅÄÕÀÝÅÅ: news:95q74l$oac$>> …
P.S. Don’t ever call a program “test”.

This is the BEST advice I have ever heard !!! > :wink:> ))