Wireless ethernet in QNX4


I’m looking for an ethernet wireless hardware to be used with QNX4.25.
Does anyone know if there is a QNX driver for Lucent Technologies ORiNOCO
wireless ethernet pcmcia cards?
If anyone knows about other hardware that works in QNX4 I would appreciate
as well.


Leonel Vicente Mota Ivo
Atan Systems Automation

Not to my knowledge. Some people have written drivers
but for various reasons they were never made public.

For QNX4 your best bet is to use a Ethernet to Wireless

“Leonel Vicente Mota Ivo” <leonel@atan.com.br> wrote in message


I’m looking for an ethernet wireless hardware to be used with QNX4.25.
Does anyone know if there is a QNX driver for Lucent Technologies ORiNOCO
wireless ethernet pcmcia cards?
If anyone knows about other hardware that works in QNX4 I would appreciate
as well.


Leonel Vicente Mota Ivo
Atan Systems Automation