TCP/IP 4.24 ifconfig error

I have 2 3COM 905B PCI network cards running on a HP VL600 computer running
QNX 4.24 AND qnx4.24 tcp/ip.
Everytime we start the node up we get the following error
from ifconfig :
" no such interface"

We have two ifconfig lines and they are:
ifconfig en1 PcvHost$NODE up
ifconfig en2 a-historian1 up

It is on the second ifconfig line that we get the message:
We used nettrap to get the appropriate irq’s, io port addresses and logical
network numbers for the startup lines of the network driver ( Net.ether905).
We have included one line in the sysinit file upon startup
and the other in a script file that gets executed within the sysinit.

The result is that we have no communication with the second network card.
What does the error message above indicate ?
Is this a timing issue when starting up the drivers ???

  • Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • Kevin

Kevin Warkentin wrote:

Everytime we start the node up we get the following error
from ifconfig :
" no such interface"

We have two ifconfig lines and they are:
ifconfig en1 PcvHost$NODE up
ifconfig en2 a-historian1 up

It is on the second ifconfig line that we get the message:
We used nettrap to get the appropriate irq’s, io port addresses and logical
network numbers for the startup lines of the network driver ( Net.ether905).

Perhaps this is your problem: AFAIK nettrap doesn’t deal much with the
network numbers, so they might be wrong. Try to start the Net… drivers
and give them distinct logical network numbers, such as

Net &
Net.ether1000 -l1 -i… -p… &
Net.ether1000 -l2 -i… -p… &

and then add a little ‘sleep 3’ to give them time to settle up before
the TCP/IP stuff.

You can check the existance of the interfaces with the ‘netstat’

netstat -i

will give you a list of all available interfaces.

BTW: you also should assign the IP addresses in your ‘ifconfig’ lines



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