dear all,
reading quics and other news conferences for quite a long time i let myself
to remind you that due to misc. reasons not all persons in community even
today have good internet connection that would allow them to easily download
big messages for several hundreds of kb. some uses dial-up other probably
have permanently bad routing and etc. there can be many independent
technical reasons. so i’m asking you to aviod sendind really large messages
in public areas that includes only some problem specific data. sometimes
it’s difficult to download them to read and as a result you lose pottential
answers on your question, sometimes after 5+ minutes of downloading i find
that the message is not interesting for me or i cannot answer the question
so both cases time is spent for downloading useless data instead of to read
quickly the question itself and if it’s in my competence to answer this
probably to request additional info if it’s needed. please, don’t forget to
respect valuable time of other readers, this way you also save your own. i
think same little wish can be applied to overquoting when the answer on 200+
lines of original message contains only “yap !”. of course i exaggerate a
little but please don’t forget that i guess almost all news readers can
display discussion tree so if needed it’s easy to find out all original
messages in the right order. think this little hint applied to quite huge
messages trafic on quics can also save a lot of time readding news.
ps: i didn’t want to offend anyone, not at all, just a little reminding to
make our with you news reading slightly more handly
pss: this is just my personal humble oppinion. anyway if you sure you do all
right way you’r of course free to route it as you wish.
thanks for your attention
// wbr