monitor & msgprint description

I’m using the monitor and msgprint programs of QNX 4 and find the
descriptions provided by QNX to be somewhat lacking in their description
of the time value entries.

The file produced by msgprint has lines like,

76.d2fa306e end of interrupt #11
76.d2fa3644 proxy(442(itp_l1p)) triggers 442(itp_l1p)
76.d2fa42e1 1(Proc32) recv (none) [] from {none}
76.d2fa4574 active is 17(Dev32)
76.d2fa4950 17(Dev32) recv (none) [] from {none}
76.d2fa4c49 active is 25(Dev32.ansi)
76.d2fcfd9b 25(Dev32.ansi) interrupted(#0): @5:8dee
76.d2fcff9c interrupt handler(0): {none}, @00f0: 05000
76.d2fd053a handler done

I can’t seem to translate the first column of numbers into reasonable
real-time values or more specifically event delta time values. I’m
trying to correlate the msgprint time values to values I’m collecting
with a cPCI bus analyer device.

Please provide a description of column 1 and how those are converted
to real-time, decimal values so I can calculate elapsed time between

Also, if additional information to help decipher the event descriptions
is available I would appreciate that too.

Thanks in advance,
Charlie Powell

The numbers are 64 bit Pentium cycle counts. The dot separates upper from
lower 32bit portion. Attached is a program for converting to time.

Charlie Powell wrote:

I’m using the monitor and msgprint programs of QNX 4 and find the
descriptions provided by QNX to be somewhat lacking in their description
of the time value entries.

The file produced by msgprint has lines like,

76.d2fa306e end of interrupt #11
76.d2fa3644 proxy(442(itp_l1p)) triggers 442(itp_l1p)
76.d2fa42e1 1(Proc32) recv (none) [] from {none}
76.d2fa4574 active is 17(Dev32)
76.d2fa4950 17(Dev32) recv (none) [] from {none}
76.d2fa4c49 active is 25(Dev32.ansi)
76.d2fcfd9b 25(Dev32.ansi) interrupted(#0): @5:8dee
76.d2fcff9c interrupt handler(0): {none}, @00f0: 05000
76.d2fd053a handler done

I can’t seem to translate the first column of numbers into reasonable
real-time values or more specifically event delta time values. I’m
trying to correlate the msgprint time values to values I’m collecting
with a cPCI bus analyer device.

Please provide a description of column 1 and how those are converted
to real-time, decimal values so I can calculate elapsed time between

Also, if additional information to help decipher the event descriptions
is available I would appreciate that too.

Thanks in advance,
Charlie Powell