how to configure windows 2000 boot.ini for dual boot

Is it possible to configure the Windows2000 loader boot.ini file to dual
boot W2K and QNX4?

I’ve got QNX4 in the first partition, but my efforts at modifying boot.ini
have come to naught. If it is possible, could someone post a sample boot.ini
with a line in for QNX4?


Julian Thornhill

Julian Thornhill <> wrote in message

Is it possible to configure the Windows2000 loader boot.ini file to dual
boot W2K and QNX4?

I’ve got QNX4 in the first partition, but my efforts at modifying boot.ini
have come to naught. If it is possible, could someone post a sample
with a line in for QNX4?

I have not done this with W2K, but it worked for NT4:

Use a low-level utility (I used “disk probe” from the NT4 Resource kit) to
read the 512-byte boot sector from the QNX partition, and save it as a file
C:\boot.qnx. Then add the line C:\boot.qnx = “QNX” to the boot.ini file, in
the [operating systems] section.

I don’t know if the above is sensitive to the locations of the partitions,
and I don’t remember what my arrangement was. “To the best of my
recollection” it was DOS, QNX, NT4 in that order.

=Dave Lees

Shameless Plug:
Embedded Software Process Survey

Oh, and the main boot loader was the QNX one, which loaded the NT loader
from the NT partition. You would see the QNX boot message come up, then the
NT boot menu.

Again, I don’t know if its important. Unfortunately, you don’t learn much
when something works on the first try.

=Dave Lees

Shameless Plug:
Embedded Software Process Survey