USB floppy´s driver - QNX 4.25

Hy everyone,
where can I find a USB floppy´s driver for QNX 4.25?
Or first of all, is possible to use floppy USB under QNX 4.25?
Thanks a lot

I don’t beleive there is such a driver.

do you know any way to do it??

One would need:

  • QNX4 USB stack DDK (available through sales)
  • QNX4 File system driver DDK, does not exists per se but there is a template for such a driver on the ftp qnx site. It’s old though.
  • Get USB spec for floppy device (don’t know if they fall under the mass storage usb class)

Then with all of the above it should be possible to write such a driver.

I´m so sorry, I did not understand very well…
Could you explain again, with more informations?

Have I to write a driver? Does not it exist?
What do I have to know to do it and where I can find?

Tanks a lot
Sorry again

Yes a driver needs to be written as it does not exists.

What I listed in my previous post are the items you need to write a driver and where to get them.

Thanks, I´ll try.