qnx4 doest recognize more than 16MB RAM on laptop

My compaq laptop has 80MB RAM. But the
$ sin info
commnad shows only 16MB available. Why I am not seeing the rest of the

Compaq is evil :wink:

Have a look at the ramtrap utility.

“Cyndi” <d_cynthia@rediffmal.com> wrote in message

My compaq laptop has 80MB RAM. But the
$ sin info
commnad shows only 16MB available. Why I am not seeing the rest of the

Cyndi <d_cynthia@rediffmal.com> wrote:

My compaq laptop has 80MB RAM. But the
$ sin info
commnad shows only 16MB available. Why I am not seeing the rest of the

Depending on what version of QNX4 you’re running, look at either ramtrap
or the -M option to the boot utility. The boot -M option is to be
preferred if you have the choice. You may want to use ramtrap to probe
for what memory is available, then modify your boot image to use the
-M option to add it once you’ve figured out the correct address range.
It will USUALLY just be the next linear range from 16M-80M.


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