Pcmcia.generic w/ TI PCI 1131 in a Dell Lattitude CPi


Setting up a new notebook computer has always been a bit of a
bloodbath. A recently acquired “previously owned” Dell Latitude CPi
was almost an exception. Linux likes everything about it just fine.

So does QNX4, almost.

This machine has a Texas Instruments PCI 1131 cardbus controller,
which traffic in these groups has led me to believe is supported
by recent incarnations of Pcmcia.generic. I’m not sure the version
on the latest product CD (-rwxrwxr-x 1 root root 67959 Jan 09 2001)
is recent enough, though.

What’s happening is that cards are properly seen to come and go
when inserted and removed, and they are properly identified. Also,
appropriate port and irq resources are assigned subject to the
constraints in the config files. Dev32.ser seems to pick up on the
port/irq assignments for the Megahertz 56K modem card I’ve used
for years in another notebook with a Cirrus controller. Net.ether1000
finds the Socket EA ethernet card.

However, no traffic moves over the network, and qtalk can’t talk to
the modem. It’s as though the interrupts aren’t really happening
even though pin and Dev32.ser and Net.ether1000 say everything’s
set up right.

There is no hint on the QNX web site that a more recent Pcmcia.generic
is available.

Suggestions are welcome. Hugh, if you’re reading this these days, what
information would be helpful to troubleshoot this problem?


–Dennis Tokarski
PolTec Electronics

Hi Dennis,

Please post the output to:

  1. show_pci -vvv
  2. pin cis (with cards inserted)
  3. sin ver (with drivers running)



Dennis W. Tokarski <dwt@poltec.com> wrote:


Setting up a new notebook computer has always been a bit of a
bloodbath. A recently acquired “previously owned” Dell Latitude CPi
was almost an exception. Linux likes everything about it just fine.

So does QNX4, almost.

This machine has a Texas Instruments PCI 1131 cardbus controller,
which traffic in these groups has led me to believe is supported
by recent incarnations of Pcmcia.generic. I’m not sure the version
on the latest product CD (-rwxrwxr-x 1 root root 67959 Jan 09 2001)
is recent enough, though.

What’s happening is that cards are properly seen to come and go
when inserted and removed, and they are properly identified. Also,
appropriate port and irq resources are assigned subject to the
constraints in the config files. Dev32.ser seems to pick up on the
port/irq assignments for the Megahertz 56K modem card I’ve used
for years in another notebook with a Cirrus controller. Net.ether1000
finds the Socket EA ethernet card.

However, no traffic moves over the network, and qtalk can’t talk to
the modem. It’s as though the interrupts aren’t really happening
even though pin and Dev32.ser and Net.ether1000 say everything’s
set up right.

There is no hint on the QNX web site that a more recent Pcmcia.generic
is available.

Suggestions are welcome. Hugh, if you’re reading this these days, what
information would be helpful to troubleshoot this problem?


–Dennis Tokarski
PolTec Electronics

Responded via e-mail.

Previously, Dennis W. Tokarski wrote in qdn.public.qnx4:


Setting up a new notebook computer has always been a bit of a
bloodbath. A recently acquired “previously owned” Dell Latitude CPi
was almost an exception. Linux likes everything about it just fine.

So does QNX4, almost.

This machine has a Texas Instruments PCI 1131 cardbus controller,
which traffic in these groups has led me to believe is supported
by recent incarnations of Pcmcia.generic. I’m not sure the version
on the latest product CD (-rwxrwxr-x 1 root root 67959 Jan 09 2001)
is recent enough, though.

What’s happening is that cards are properly seen to come and go
when inserted and removed, and they are properly identified. Also,
appropriate port and irq resources are assigned subject to the
constraints in the config files. Dev32.ser seems to pick up on the
port/irq assignments for the Megahertz 56K modem card I’ve used
for years in another notebook with a Cirrus controller. Net.ether1000
finds the Socket EA ethernet card.

However, no traffic moves over the network, and qtalk can’t talk to
the modem. It’s as though the interrupts aren’t really happening
even though pin and Dev32.ser and Net.ether1000 say everything’s
set up right.

There is no hint on the QNX web site that a more recent Pcmcia.generic
is available.

Suggestions are welcome. Hugh, if you’re reading this these days, what
information would be helpful to troubleshoot this problem?


–Dennis Tokarski
PolTec Electronics

Hardware Support Account wrote:

Hi Dennis,

Please post the output to:

  1. show_pci -vvv
  2. pin cis (with cards inserted)
  3. sin ver (with drivers running)



As Hugh noted in another response, he replied via email with an
attached driver. It didn’t change anything, sadly :frowning:

I’ve sent the attached archive off to Hugh as well, but here
it is for anyone else who cares to look at it. All the stuff
you requested and more is here, Joe.

